Educational and scientific laboratory of intelligent hardware and software systems (IHSS)

Objective: To study modern intellectual methods, models and tools for creating software and hardware systems with intelligent functions.

Areas of research

  • intelligent systems for identifying the structure and patterns in the data;
  • development of intellectual software and hardware systems
  • the use of fuzzy methods for parallel processing of data.


Relationship with the educational process:

  • О.В. Рябишев(ст. групи ІПЗздм-19-1), А.Л. Єрохін, А.Г. Бахмет (Здобувач освіти за 3-м освітньо-науковим рівнем). Аналіз тональності тексту українською мовою:  Біоніка інтелекту. 2021. No 1 (96). С. 15–21. (ІПЗздм-19-1)
  • В.О. Нечіпор (ст. групи ІПЗздм-19-1), А.Л. Єрохін. Модифікація метода класифікації Байєса для задачі виявлення спаму українською мовою:  Біоніка інтелекту. 2021. No 1 (96).

Students took part in an experiment to train neural networks for computer vision systems. The analysis of bio-identification problems is used in teaching the discipline “Security of programs and data” in the topic “Systems of biometric identification.

Main scientific achievements for the reporting period:

Grant agreement for participation in the COST Action CA18231 project ( Title: Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation. Project management is carried out in accordance with the norms of international law and the rules of the COST Association project.

room 128А

Laboratory page:
