Andrii Babii

Andrii Babii
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Scopus ID: 57189391408
Documents by author:0
Total citations:0
Google Scholar ID: oOLrXEAAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2003 he graduated from the University of Iternal Affears (NUIA), specialty “Information control system and technologies”.

2003-2013 –Lecturer, NUIA,

2016 – Senior lecturer, Department Of Software Engeneering, Kharkov University  of Radio Electronic.

Educational activity

Teachs courses: “Probability theory and mathematical statistic”, “Theory of parallel distributed systems”.

International activities / participation in international projects

2016, Project Linnaeus-Palme, with Kharkov National University  of Radio Electronic, Ukraine and Linnaeus university in Växjö and Kalmar, Sweden(Contract no: 1975-2014, номер проекту: LNU-015).

Publications and patents

Has over 17 publications.