All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 257 | 217 |
h-index | 9 | 8 |
i10-index | 9 | 6 |
Education and Career
2012, PhD in Computer Science, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Topic of thesis is “Methods and means to improve service requests in an information network”.
2003, Specialist of “Protection of restricted access information and automation of its processing” and “Jurisprudence”, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Educational activity
The lecture of course “Security of programs and data”. Leading of bachelors and masters.
In 2015 invited lecture in Linnaeus University (Sweden) for course “Architectures for Service – based Systems”.
Research activities
2012, PhD in Computer Science (05.13.05), Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Topic of thesis is “Methods and means to improve service requests in an information network”.
The Auguest of 2017 academic visitor at the Research school of Computer Science of Australian National University (Carberra, Australia).
International activities / participation in international projects
Coordinator project Erasmus Jean Monnet: Modules #101085608-EU5G4UA. Applicati
Coordinator project Erasmus Jean Monnet: Modules #101047552-EU ic AI policy. European approach in charge of ethical, legal and socio-economic artificial intelligence policy.
Member of Management Committee of the COST Action project CA18231.
COST Action project # 16101 “MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence” WP2. Image processing and capabilities integration within a digital environment.
Has been participating in the events of the COST Action project # IC1307 “The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L Net): Combining Computer Vision and Language Processing For Advanced Search, Retrieval, Annotation and Description of Visual Data”.
Preparation grant to prepare proposal Horizon 2020 by project “Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine” – RI-LINKS2UA №692476.
Cooperation with Research school of Computer Science of Australian National University (Carberra, Australia).
Social activities
Organizing NURE Code Jam 2019.
Co-organizer School of Verification and Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
Judge of the Competition “Young Informatics Сompetition” 2016, 2017.
Member of program committee 1st Ukrainian Natural Language Processing Workshop (UNLP 2021).
Co-Organazer of the “News Classification” contest on Kaggle.
Publications and patents
Has over 25 publication of more than 25 publications and 1 patent. Last papers are:
- Andriy Yerokhin, Valerii Semenets , Alina Nechyporenko, Andrii Babii, Oleksii Turuta. F-transform 3D Point Cloud Filtering Algorithm // Proc. of the 2th IEEE International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing. 21-25 August 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P.524-527. DOI: 10.1109/DSMP.2018.8478581
- Intelligent information system of heterogeneous medical data analysis. A. Yerokhin; O. Turuta; A. Nechyporenko; A. Babii – Scientific and Technical Conference “Computer Sciences and Information Technologies” (CSIT), 2017, Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies.
- A. Yerokhin, A. Nechyporenko, A. Babii, A. Turuta, I. Mahdalina, Usage of Phase Space Diagram to Finding Significant Features of Rhinomanometric Signals, Proc. of the International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Lviv, Ukraine, (2016), 70-73.
- A. L. Yerokhin, A. S. Babii, A. S. Nechyporenko, O. P. Turuta, A Lars-Based Method of the Construction of a Fuzzy Regression Model for the Selection of Significant Features, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Vol. 52, Issue 4, (2016), 641–646.
- Processing and analysis of rhinomanometric signals by F-transform approximation. A. Yerokhin; A. Nechyporenko; A. Babii; O. Turuta – 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (DSMP)
- Usage of F-transform to finding informative parameters of rhinomanometric signals. A. Yerokhin; A. Nechyporenko; A. Babii; O. Turuta – Scientific and Technical Conference “Computer Sciences and Information Technologies” (CSIT), 2015 Xth International
- A new intelligence-based approach for rhinomanometric data processing. A. Yerokhin; A. Nechyporenko; A. Babii; O. Turuta – 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)
- O. Turuta, I. Perova, A.Deineko, Evolving Flexible Neuro-Fuzzy System for Medical Diagnostic Tasks, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing – JCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 8, (2015), 475-480.
- Neural Natural Language Generation: A Survey on Multilinguality, Multimodality, Controllability and Learning Erdem, Kuyu, Yagcioglu, Frank, Parcalabescu, Plank, Babii, Turuta et al. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 73 (2022) 1131-1207.
- Panchenko, D., Maksymenko, D., Turuta, O., Luzan, M., Tytarenko, S., Turuta, O. (2022). Ukrainian News Corpus as Text Classification Benchmark. In: , et al. ICTERI 2021 Workshops. ICTERI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1635. Springer, Cham.
Patent is:
- Method of evaluation of the vent function of the maxillary sinus sinus. Patent No. 116343 Ukraine. Method of evaluation of the ventilation function of the maxillary sinus sinus MPC A61B 5/085 (2006.01) pub. May 10, 2017, T. № 9. Owner of KNURE. Auth: Erokhin AL, Nechiporenko AS, Garyuk, O.G., Turuta O.P., Babiy A.С.