Objective: To study modern intellectual methods, models and tools for creating software and hardware systems with intelligent functions.
Areas of research
- intelligent systems for identifying the structure and patterns in the data;
- development of intellectual software and hardware systems
- the use of fuzzy methods for parallel processing of data.
- Andriy Yerokhin, Head of Educational and scientific laboratory, dean of the faculty of Computer Science, professor, doctor of science (andriy.yerokhin@nure.ua);
- Oleksii Turuta, Associated Professor, PhD, Software engineering department;
- Andrii Babii, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Software engineering department.
Relationship with the educational process
- О.В. Рябишев(ст. групи ІПЗздм-19-1), А.Л. Єрохін, А.Г. Бахмет (Здобувач освіти за 3-м освітньо-науковим рівнем). Аналіз тональності тексту українською мовою: Біоніка інтелекту. 2021. No 1 (96). С. 15–21. (ІПЗздм-19-1)
- В.О. Нечіпор (ст. групи ІПЗздм-19-1), А.Л. Єрохін. Модифікація метода класифікації Байєса для задачі виявлення спаму українською мовою: Біоніка інтелекту. 2021. No 1 (96).
Students took part in an experiment to train neural networks for computer vision systems. The analysis of bio-identification problems is used in teaching the discipline “Security of programs and data” in the topic “Systems of biometric identification.
Main scientific achievements for the reporting period
Grant agreement for participation in the COST Action CA18231 project (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18231). Title: Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation. Project management is carried out in accordance with the norms of international law and the rules of the COST Association project.
room 128А