Documents and Results

Wrocław Tech (Politechnika Wrocławska) acting as project coordinator invited NURE to cooperate in the framework of NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange) project as a partner.

The project Green Transition in Ukrainian Universities is scheduled for a one year period (January 2023 – December 2023).

Wrocław Tech prepared that project in cooperation and on behalf of Unite! Consortium. The main aim of the project is to involve Ukrainian partners in regular activities of Unite! consortium in the framework of Unite! Erasmus+ project, Work Package 8, An Open Innovation Community for the Green Transition. Wrocław Tech is already appointed by NAWA agency as project coordinator.

The planned composition of consortium consists 7 Ukrainian universities:

  • Sumy State University
  • Dnipro University of Technology
  • Kharkiv National University of Radio-Electronics
  • Lutsk National Technical University
  • Odesa National Technical University
  • Khmelnytsky National University
  • Lviv National Technical University
  • National Agency of Quality Assurance in Higher Education

The pre-selection of Ukrainian partners was made on the basis of the list of participants of Erasmus+ consortia in the period 2015-2023 with involvement of Wrocław Tech in the role of coordinator or co-beneficiary.

Letter of Intent

This evaluation report is produced within the framework of the NAWA project “Green Transition of Ukrainian Universities” (GTUA) and is based on both qualitative and quantitative indicators. The evaluation is resulted from expert panel evaluation of 7 Ukrainian universities’ self-assessment reports reflecting their performance towards green standards in research, education and campus as well as overall green transition dimensions. Green Standards are based on the tasks of higher education stated in the Rome Ministerial Communique 2020 and the principles of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are an urgent call for action by all countries and universities.

Green transition in Ukrainian universities evaluation report on green standards

Universities are a source of knowledge, perform a special mission for the benefit of society and traditionally occupy a unique position in society – this makes them particularly suitable for leadership in the implementation of the SDGs. Using their unique position in society, universities – both individually and in partnership – can help guide, direct and support local, national and international organizations for the SDGs. The objectives of NURE to implement the SDGs has been established at our university. The university act as a key factor for the introduction of the SDGs into the mass consciousness through the dissemination of knowledge in the most convenient and understandable form for society. NURE intensively deals with issues of sustainable development, promotes the development of competences in the field of sustainable development and develops specific study programs or implements educational disciplines related to SDGs. The university is also aimed at popularizing sustainable development among society and organizations. Also NURE tries to apply the ideas of sustainable development, specified in the list of the SDGs, when organizing its own activities, reworking educational programs, modernizing the campus, etc.
This document presents the results of a self-assessment of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Green Transition process in three aspects: green campus, green research and green education.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) Self-Assessment Report

The post-war development of Ukrainian universities should be aimed not only at improving the quality of higher education, ensuring the competitiveness of institutions in the European and international educational space, but also at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in key areas of activity.
The developed green standards for Ukrainian higher education institutions include three key areas of application:

  1. Research activities.
  2. Educational activities.
  3. Green campus.

In each area, individual standards are identified, their brief description is given, and their relevance to the SDGs is determined. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of compliance that can be used by higher education institutions for self-assessment are also proposed for each standard. The key goals of the proposed standards are to determine the level of compliance of Ukrainian universities with the SDGs, and to analyze and implement best domestic and foreign practices for the “green” transformation.

Green standards for Ukrainian universities

Presentation the NAWA project “Green Transition of Ukrainian Universities”