About Erasmus+

About Erasmus+


Ukraine is a partner country (PARTNER-COUNTRY) of the Erasmus + program and has the opportunity to participate in contests open to all partner countries within the framework of the International Measurement Program.

Relationship with strategic objectives

The goals of “Europe 2020”:

  • Increase of applicants for higher education from 32% to 40%
  • Decrease in the proportion of those who leave school early, from 14% to less than 10%
  • “Strategy for Education and Training 2020”
  • Updated framework program for European cooperation in the field of youth policy (2010-2018).
  • European Sports Initiative / EU Work Plan for Sport
  • Strengthening of the international dimension, in particular in higher education and in the field of youth policy
  • More opportunities for students of vocational and higher education institutions to improve their ability to work through internships
  • Quality improvement in all sectors through the introduction of staff mobility and strategic partnerships
  • Considerable attention to cross-sectoral strategic partnerships and ICT projects
  • New innovative measures to improve employability and entrepreneurship (Knowledge alliances and industry qualifications alliances)
  • New Approaches to Implementing Reforms (Perspective Initiatives)

Video presentations of the program: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/gallery/video_en.html

The ERASMUS + office in Ukraine: http://www.erasmusplus.org.ua/

The website of the EU program http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/

What’s new?

  • The only integrated program
  • Covering all sectors – education, training and youth policy, the sports sector has been added
  • Integrates seven existing programs into a single coherent framework
  • Trying to achieve greater systemic influence
  • Essential simplifications
  • Fewer competitions and a significant reduction in the number of referrals
  • The program is more user-friendly, easier to navigate
  • Simplified financial management
  • Significant increase in the budget
  • An increase of 40%, which applies to all sectors
  • Additional funding from external action tools in support of the international dimension of higher education

Main objectives:

  • Improvement of skills and ability to employ students and promote the competitiveness of the European economy
  • Improving the quality of teaching and learning
  • Implementation of the Strategy for modernization of higher education in the member countries of the program and development of the potential of the partner countries
  • Strengthening the international dimension in the Erasmus +
  • Supporting the Bologna process and policy dialogue in strategic partner countries

KA1: Mobility of students in higher education

Higher educational institutions from partner countries, including from Ukraine, can be a partner of universities from Europe to organize projects for mobility for students.


  • Provide the best opportunities for developing students’ skills and competencies, attracting the best talents from abroad

KA1: Mobility of workers in higher education

Higher education institutions from partner countries, including Ukraine, can partner with universities from Europe to organize projects for mobility for teachers and administrative staff.


  • Provide better opportunities to improve the quality of teaching and learning

Teachers for scholarships for teaching, advanced training or internships apply for participation in competitions directly to their institution (credit mobility) on the basis of interinstitutional agreements and / or partnerships (stepwise mobility), as well as representatives of other countries, there are no restrictions . Privileges and / or restrictions are not available for any country in the world.

KA2: Cooperation for Innovation

Strategic partnerships


  • Strengthening cooperation between HEIs and key stakeholders (enterprises, research institutions, social partners, local / regional authorities, other organizations in the field of education, training or youth policy) to promote quality and innovation in higher education

The main activities in the field:

  • Development, testing, implementation of new joint curricula and programs, joint modules, intensive training programs
  • Development of cooperation with enterprises in the framework of projects for the purpose of studying examples from real life
  • Using the potential of open educational resources, general (collective) and personalized learning
  • Integration of various forms and methods of teaching (distance, distance, modular)

The participation of partner countries, including Ukraine, is possible as a partner only with a unique experience for a reasonable added value of participation in such a partnership

Details: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/actions/cooperation-for-innovation-and-exchange-good-practices_en

KA2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Best Practices Developing Higher Education Potential (ex-TEMPUS)

The main activities in the field:

Two types of cooperation projects between EU member states, other European countries, and candidate countries (total 34) with neighboring countries, Russia, Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (about 150 partner countries):

  • Joint projects: New curricula and programs, methodology of teaching and learning, development (improvement of qualification) of personnel, quality assurance, management, tools of the Bologna process.
  • Structural projects: Reforms at the national level involving authorities in partner countries (modernization of educational policy, measures to implement the Bologna process, management and management in higher education …)
  • An additional mobility component in both directions – with the EU and the EU for the countries of the European Neighborhood Policy and the candidate countries (do not have a National Agency):

Ukraine is a full-fledged participant in the direction and can both initiate projects and be the coordinator-applicant, be an equal partner of projects.

Details: http://www.erasmusplus.org.ua/erasmus/ka2-proekty-spivpratsi/rozvytok-potentsialu-ex-tempus.html

KA3: Support for Reforms


  • Supporting EU developments / developments in the field of educational policy for achieving better systemic influence

The main activities in the field:

  • Support for the Open Method of Coordination, the agenda for the modernization of higher education, the Bologna Process
  • Development and implementation of EU transparency instruments (ECTS, …)
  • Recognition of qualifications (NARIC – National Information Center for the official recognition of educational certificates)
  • Network of experts on reforming higher education in neighboring and candidate countries
  • International dialogue on educational policy
  • World Alumni Association
  • International attractiveness and propaganda