Faculty of Іnfocommunications

The Faculty of Infocommunications unites 95 scientific and pedagogical workers and employees (23 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, 52 Candidates of Sciences and Associate Professors), and more than 700 students (among them 100 international students).

The faculty includes the Departments of Infocommunication Engineering (Head of the Department – Professor O. Lemeshko), Information and Network Engineering (Head of the Department – Professor V. Bezruk), Information and Measurement Technology (Head of the Department – Professor I. Zakharov).

The Faculty trains Bachelors, Masters and Doctors of Philosophy in the following specialties:

172 – Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (Еducational programs – Information Network Engineering, Infocommunication Engineering).

125 – Cybersecurity (Еducational program – Information Security Management).

175 –  Information and Measurement Technologies  (Еducational program– Quality of products, processes and software).


The Faculty has educational and scientific centers of international companies (Cisco,  CS, Avaya, Samsung, Alcatel, Monis), satellite and mobile communications laboratories, wireless networks, radio frequency resource monitoring, next generation networks, access and switching systems, transport networks, cloud computing in Internet technologies, Internet of Things. In 2017, the European Union purchased equipment for the creation of a cyber laboratory for studying the cybersecurity of cloud technologies under the Tempus program.

Students of the Faculty of Infocommunications:

– are trained in the programs of double diploma and educational mobility programs within the framework of the international program “Erasmus +” in educational institutions in Sweden (Blekinge Technological Institute), Germany (Technical University of Wildau), France (University of Lille), Poland (Warsaw Polytechnic), Czech Republic (University of Pardubice ) and etc.;

– pass additional international training programs and author courses on the most popular IT technologies on the basis of academies of Cisco, NURE IT Academy;

– pass internship and practice in leading information and communication companies of Ukraine (Ukrtelecom, Lifecell, EPAM, Date Group, Velton.Telecom, Radiolink, Kyivstar, Telecentre, Iskratel-Ukraine, Rivas, 1C-RARUS (TM Tech), Maxnet), IT-based Academies, educational and scientific centers and international companies.

Arkadii Snihurov


Arkadii Snihurov

Dean of the Faculty of Infocommunications, Member of EMC Presidium, Member of STC, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Member of the Coordination Council of the NURE Alumni Association, Associate Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky (part-time), Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate professor


Main building, 2nd floor,

Room: 239, 238, 241

