Department of Information and Measurement Technology (IMT)

The department prepares in the specialty 175 Іnformation and Measurement Technologies (full-time and part-time form of education).

  • Bachelor (3 years 10 months) in the educational and professional program:

          – “Quality of products, processes and software”.

  •  Master (1 year ) in the educational and professional program:

     – “Quality Assurance”

  • Doctor of Philosophy for educational and scientifical programs:

        – “Metrology and Information-Measuring Engineering”.


Scientific directions of the department

  • development of information and measuring technologies;
  • assessing the quality of measurement information;
  • development of integrated quality management systems.

As part of the seminars, students and postgraduates are lectured by leading domestic and foreign scientists. Young people and teachers master spoken and technical English for further teaching of disciplines to foreign students and successful completion of a scientific internship abroad.

A scientific and educational testing center has been created at the department and a certification body has been accredited, which specializes in software certification.


Science and international cooperation

The priorities of international activity are cooperation with European universities in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Portugal and Belarus.

Scientists and students of the department annually participate in international conferences and seminars; have access to new technologies, software products, equipment of European companies and universities.

On the basis of the department, an international seminar on the assessment of measurement results is annually held, as well as the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in metrology and information and measurement technologies.

Igor Zakharov


Igor Zakharov

Head of Information and Measurement Technology Department, член Вченої ради, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Room: 19z, 20z, 22z, 50z-55z

+38 (057) 702-13-31