Department of Systems Engineering (SysEng)

The Department of Systems Engineering (SE) is the graduating department of the Faculty of Computer Science. It was established in 1967 as the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and was renamed the Department of Systems Engineering in 1975.

Systems engineering is a scientific discipline that studies, from a systemic approach, the design, functioning, and development of complex computerized information and control systems.

The Department of Systems Engineering trains specialists at three educational levels in the field of Computer Science, specialization 122.


The educational program “Computer Science and Technology.

Аdmission based on complete secondary education or based on a junior bachelor’s degree or higher (studying under a three-year program).


The educational-professional program Information Engineering Technology and the educational-scientific program “Systems Engineering”.

Doctors of Philosophy:

In the field of Computer Science, specialization 122.

In addition to mandatory disciplines, the department offers students various elective courses, allowing them to build individual educational trajectories based on their preferences.

In certain groups of bachelors, formed as results of the selection, a significant part of the disciplines of the curriculum for the Computer Science and Technology is taught in English.

Due to the partnership with the Kharkiv IT Cluster, IT companies are the base of students’ practice, and IT specialists are involved in individual classes. Students have the opportunity to participate free of charge in workshops and trainings from IT companies in order to improve their professional level and prepare for work in their specialty.

At the Department of Systems Engineering, using the resources of the department’s educational and scientific laboratories, international projects are carried out under the Erasmus+, Cost, DAAD programs.

The Department of System Engineering has a filial branch in the joint-stock company “Institute of Automated Systems” (IAS), which is a scientific and industrial foundation for student practical education. Head of the branch is Dmytro Kolesnyk.

At the Department were created and now working laboratories:

  1. Scientific laboratory “Centre for informatization of management bodies”. Scientific supervisor I.V. Grebennik, Dr. Sc. (Technology).
  2. Educational and scientific laboratory “Modelling of Systems”. Scientific supervisor V.G.Ivanov, Cand. Sc. (Technology), Professor;
  3. Educational and scientific laboratory “Systems Engineering”. Scientific supervisor Yu.V. Mischeryakov, Cand. Sc. (Technology), Professor.
  4. Educational and scientific laboratory “Big data based decision making in organizational systems“. Scientific supervisor N.I. Kalita, Cand. Sc. (Technology), Professor.
  5. Educational and scientific laboratory of “Digital Technologies”. Scientific supervisor V.M.Reshetnik, Cand. Sc. (Technology), Associate Professor.

Postdoctoral studies in specialties

In the field of Computer Science, specialization 122

Scientific courses of the department:

  • System analysis, modeling and optimization of complex socio-economic and technical systems;
  • Mathematical models and methods for structural-topological optimization of distributed objects;
  • Mathematical modeling and solving combinatorial optimization problems in geometric design and vehicle routing;
  • Development of computational methods and software for computer vision, automatic detection of moving objects in a video stream, in particular asteroids, comets, variable stars, satellites and drones;
  • Intelligent analysis of medical data for medical diagnosis and modeling of biological processes.


Igor Grebennik


Igor Grebennik

Head of Department System Engineering, Member of the specialized scientific council, Member of EMC Presidium, Member of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor