Hennadii Khalimov

Hennadii Khalimov
Head of Department of Information Technologies Security, Head of Specialized Academic Council, Member of EMC Presidium, Head of the Section 5 of EMC, Member of STC, Member of the NURE Alumni Association, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: 8DY36rMAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

He graduated from the Kharkiv Higher Military Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union M.I. Krylov (HVVKU) in 1978, majoring in control and communication systems.

Candidate of technical sciences since 1987.

The topic of the candidate’s thesis “Increasing the immunity of data transmission channels based on cascade coding” / supervisor of the scientific work prof. Dolgov V.I./

The dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences was defended on March 14, 2012 in the specialized academic council of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, DD No. 000955 dated May 17, 2012.

The topic of the doctoral dissertation “Theoretical foundations of universal hashing based on rational functions of algebraic curves” / scientific consultant prof. Gorbenko I.D./

Professor of the Department of Information Technology Security since 2012.

Head of the Department of Information Technology Security since 2014.

Educational activities

Teaches courses:

  • information theory and coding;
  • information communication systems;
  • applied cryptology;
  • methods of construction and analysis of cryptosystems;
  • quantum-resistant cryptosystem.

Research activities

Research interests:

  • cryptosystems,
  • quantum cryptoanalysis
  • quantum computing
  • algebraic curves
  • code constructions

Significant publications.


Scientific publications in the areas of scientific activity:

  • Modeling holographic recognition system by using number-theory convolution transformation. /B.F. Fedorov, G.Z. Khalimov. – USSR Rept Phys Math JPRS UPM, 1984.
  • Decoding of Block-codes with Erasure of the Least Reliable Symbols./V.I. Dolgov, G.Z. Khalimov. – Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 1987.
  • Maximal Hurvits curves for universal hashing purposes./G.Z. Khalimov. – Taganrog: Izd-vo TTI YuFU, 2010.
  • Encryption Scheme Based on the Generalized Suzuki 2-groups and Homomorphic Encryption /Khalimov, G., Kotukh, Y., Chang, S.-Y., Khalimova, S., Marukhnenko, O.//Communications in Computer and Information Science , 2022, 1536 CCIS, pp. 59–76.
  • PT-symmetric Bayesian parameter estimation on a superconducting quantum processor /Balytskyi, Y., Raavi, M., Kotukh, Y., Khalimov, G., Chang, S.-Y. // IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, 2022-May, pp. 3257–3262.

Participation in foreign international conferences:

expert of the ICCTA technical committee 2021÷2023 7÷9th International Conference on Computer Technology Application, Vienna Austria.

Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 64.052.05 KNURE on protection with specialty 05.13.21 – “information security system”.

Prepared two candidates of technical sciences on specialty 20.02.12 – military cybernetics, control systems and communications, and one on specialty 05.13.21 – “information security systems”.

He was a responsible executor and leader of the 15th Scientific research.

International activity / participation in international projects

2021 – Scientific leader of the Ukrainian team of the International Scientific Project “Quantum Technologies for the Protection of Modern 5G Networks” under the grant agreement between KhNURE and the US Civil Research and Development Fund (CRDF Global) dated 07.16.2021).

Social activities

  • Academician and corresponding member of the Academy of Applied Radioelectronics Sciences (international public organization);
  • Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Cyber Security (Decision of the Presidium of the Academy No. 1258 dated June 1, 2021);
  • Member of the Public Organization “International Association of KhNURE Graduates” (certificate, registration number 119-2021).

Publications and patents

Author of more than 100 publications, two textbooks, 4 monographs. He has 10 patents.