THE University Impact Rankings

NURE has retained its position in Impact Rankings 2022

The ranking of the leading universities of the world from the British Times Higher Education (THE) agency evaluates universities by the following parameters: level of teaching, quality of research activities and citation volume of research papers, innovativeness and inclusion of the university in global international processes.

Universities can submit data on as many of these SDGs as they are able. Each SDG has a series of metrics that are used to evaluate the performance of the university in that SDG.

Any university that provides data on SDG 17 and at least three other SDGs is included in the overall ranking.

A university’s final score in the overall table is calculated by combining its score in SDG 17 with its top three scores out of the remaining 10 SDGs. SDG 17 accounts for 22% of the overall score, while the other SDGs each carry a weighting of 26%.

The score from each SDG is scaled so that the highest score in each SDG in the overall calculation is 100. This is to adjust for minor differences in the scoring range in each SDG and to ensure that universities are treated equitably whichever SDGs they have provided data for.

There are three categories of metrics within each SDG:

Research metrics are derived from data supplied by Elsevier. For each SDG, a specific query has been created that narrows the scope of the metric to papers relevant to that SDG. As the World University Rankings, Impact Rankings use a five-year window 2016- 2020. The only exception is the metric on patents that cite research under SDG 9, which relates to the timeframe in which the patents were published rather than the timeframe of the research itself.

Continuous metrics measure contributions to impact that vary continually across a range – for example, the number of graduates with a health-related degree. These are usually normalized to the size of the institution.

When we ask about policies and initiatives – for example, the existence of mentoring programmes – our metrics require universities to provide the evidence to support their claims. In these cases we give credit for the evidence, and for the evidence being public. These metrics are not usually size normalized.

Evidence is evaluated against a set of criteria and decisions are cross validated where there is uncertainty. Evidence is not required to be exhaustive; examples must demonstrate best practice at the institutions concerned.

Timeframe: the data used refer to the closest academic year to January to December 2020.

Universities must teach undergraduates and be validated by a recognized accreditation body to be included in the ranking.

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