Development of the Model and Common Information Space of Virtual Exchange Programs – MOVEx

Development of the Model and Common Information Space of Virtual Exchange Programs – MOVEx

Registration No. 101083883 ERASMUS-EDU-2021-VIRT-EXCH-NDICI

Duration: 3 years

International Project Coordinator: POLITECHNIKA WROCLAWSKA 

Project participants:  


CHAROKOPEIO PANEPISTIMIO (Harokopio University of Athens )

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL (Tallinn University of Technology)








Project coordinator from NURE:

Filipenko Oleksandr, Doctor of Sciences, Professor

Project members:

Nevlyudov I.Sh., Doctor of Sciences, Professor

Tsymbal O.M., Doctor of Sciences, Professor

The main purpose of the project

MOVEs is a 3-year project, focused on organizing an effective Virtual Exchange Program as a platform for professional and intercultural interaction, exchange of experience, to ensure high-quality educational services and create conditions to develop collaboration and communication skills of young people and broaden access to international learning for every student, regardless of their circumstances, background, or ability, especially at a time when student mobility is limited and finances are constrained. Virtual Exchange Program is not just a short-term solution to the disruption HEIs of Ukraine and Georgia face today but is also part of a comprehensive plan to advance internationalization for each HEI and each student. To organize active interaction between units participating in student’s attraction and training within the academic mobility projects, we suggest a model of Virtual National and International Academic Exchange Programs which comprises interrelated components: organizational structure, digital support, communication and interaction. The project is to improve the areas and forms of cooperation and communication for all academic and administrative units of the university; training of expert facilitators to develop Virtual Exchange Projects with colleagues from other countries; improving the qualifications of the administrative and teaching staff to gain skills in working with mobile students and helping them master the skills of intercultural communication; development of a tool for exchange of information and intercultural dialogue among students and teachers of different universities, nationalities, cultures, religions and languages. The project activity will be focused on sharing knowledge and forming skills of interaction in the multi-ethnic environment, simplified procedures for creating and allotting teaching materials, methods of distant interaction, providing access to various resources required for a high-level educational process.

Specific objectives:

  1. Creating an effective mechanism of supporting and Virtual Exchange Program, adapting to the new academic context and integration into the education system of the host university.
  2. Formation of global competencies and skills (digital literacy, cultural awareness and the ability to negotiate and cooperate across borders) necessary for career growth among young people in Ukraine and Georgia.
  3. Improving the qualifications of the administrative and teaching staff to gain skills in working with mobile students and helping them master the skills of intercultural communication and organizing effective interaction with students as representatives of different cultures.
  4. Development of a tool for exchange of information and intercultural dialogue among students and teachers of different universities, nationalities, cultures, religions and languages, improving the efficiency of the educational process by creating the web portal Common Information Space (CIS).
  5. Сreating an international consortium within the system of advanced administrative and teaching staff training to work with intercultural groups and to develop the educational, scientific and cultural potential of all program participants.
  6. Improving the areas and forms of cooperation and communication for all academic and administrative units of the universities, methodological and technical support for Virtual Exchanges implementation and other issues that have a significant impact on the involvement of students in Virtual Exchange processes.


Short Description:

Recommendations "Implementation of Virtual Exchange Programs into the educational process" (jointly developed by consortium members) Regulations on the Implementation of Virtual Exchange Programs at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Order of NURE No. 327 dated November 13, 2024) Procedure for Recognition of Learning Outcomes Achieved through Virtual Exchange Programs at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Order of NURE No. 328 dated November 13, 2024)