CBHE: PubCirEco

The critical role of PUBlic employees in CIRcular ECOnomy implementation: Embedding circular economy thinking in HEIs

Project timeline: 01.11.2024 – 31.10.2027

EU Funding program: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE

Funding: 359 822, 00 Євро

Purpose of the project

The project aims to build the capacity and skills for sustainable development of applicants and highly qualified specialists in higher education institutions of the Eastern Partnership countries (Moldova and Ukraine) to ensure the development of human potential and accelerate the process of European integration and cooperation between Ukraine, Moldova and the European Union towards the implementation of the European Green Deal strategy by improving specialist training programs in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and increasing inclusiveness and internationalization.

The project also aims to highlight the role of higher education in developing values, norms, behaviours, skills and experiences related to the culture of green development and European practices for implementing the circular economy model. The project aims to increase the level of competencies, skills and employability of students who use circular economy practices by developing innovative educational modules, promoting inclusive and digital education, creating intensive training courses for students and teachers for shorter periods of study and supporting students and academic staff through international academic mobility.

Project objectives:

  • Development and launch of training modules for NURE applicants in order to form a number of general and professional competencies for making management decisions on ensuring resource efficiency and environmental sustainability of ecosystems, taking into account the best European practices.
  • Ensuring the internationalization of educational institutions through the mobility of postgraduate students and teachers through training and internships at partner institutions.
  • Development of cooperation networks between universities, businesses and state institutions to strengthen ties with the labour market.
  • Development and launch of an electronic platform for distance learning on circular economy issues in order to ensure inclusiveness and internationalization.
  • Ensuring cooperation between partners and proper implementation of project management, to ensure project quality and timely reporting

Project consortium:

  • Mykolo Romerio Universitetas
  • Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, s. Kuznets KHNUE
  • Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • Higher Education Institution Open International University of Human Development Ukraine
  • Tallinna Tehnikakorgkool
  • Campus 02 Fachhochschule Der Wirtschaft Gmbh
  • Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei
  • Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
  • Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Project Coordinator from NURE:

Irina Kolupaieva, Professor of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Robotics of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
