Volodymyr Manakov

Volodymyr Manakov
Professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies, Member of Academic Council, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: wRqUiwQAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1974 – graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics (KHIRE), majoring in “Radio Electronics Engineering”

1974-1988 – MSc, Senior Researcher (KHIRE, KHTURE, NURE);

1987 – Cand.Tech.Sci. in specialties 05.13.01 – “Management in technical systems” and 05.11.14 – “Instrument technology”, the thesis is protected in KHIRE;

1989 – 2008 – assistant, art. lecturer, associate professor, professor. engineering and computer graphics (KHIRE, KHTURE, NURE);

2008-2023 – Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Doctoral Studies, KhNURE.

Since 2023 – Professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies.

Educational activity

Lectured subjects: “Units and mechanisms of printing equipment”, “Organization and management of publishing and printing production”, “Operation of Printing Equipment”.

Research activities

Scientific interests are information technologies. Responsible executor of several economic contracts.
The supervisor of post-graduate students on a specialty 122 – Computer Science.

Publications and patents

The author of more than 80 scientific publications, a patent and 9 copyright certificates for inventions.