Vitalii Tkachov

Vitalii Tkachov
Assistant Rector of Information Technology, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Editorial Board Member of the of the All-Ukrainian interdepartmental scientific and technical collection "Radiotekhnika", Member of the NURE Alumni Association, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists, Member of STC Presidium, Member of EMC Presidium, Associated Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor
Scopus ID: 56485859400
Documents by author:26
Total citations:161
Google Scholar ID: 6lo0JxkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Since 2020 – Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Publications and patents

More than 180 publications, 7 utility model patents, 8 author’s certificates for software development, 2 part of the collective monograph.