Olga Sushko

Olga Sushko
Senior lecturer of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D., Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: lxOCZCwAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2008 – Kharkiv College of Medical Equipment, specialty: Design, manufacture and technical support of electronic equipment with qualification “Electronic technician”.

2011 – Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, master degree in Bioengineering and Medical Devices and Systems; qualification of researcher (electronics, biomedical equipment).

2014-2017 – Assistant of Biomedical Engineering Department, KhNURE.

2015 – Ph.D., specialty 05.11.17 – biological and medical devices and systems, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Since 2017 – Senior Lecturer of Biomedical Engineering Department, KhNURE.

Educational activity

Lecture courses (in English): Biomedical Devices, Apparatuses, Systems and Technologies (Part 1); Engineering of Biotechnical Systems; Methods of Biomedical Research. Laboratory works: The theory of electric and magnetic circuits; Biophysics; Basic theory of biotechnical systems; Reliability and methods of verification of medical equipment; Electronics and microprocessor technology.

Supervisor of bachelors and specialists diploma works.

Research activities

2013-2014 – Junior Researcher of Research work # 255-1

“The new concept and method for development of sensitive nanotechnology sensor control system and functional diagnostics of objects”;

2015-2016 – Researcher on the state budget research work # 292-1 “The concept of molecular recognition based on “synthetic receptors” and its application for substances detection instruments creation”;

since 2016 – Senior Researcher of research work # 314 (the project of young scientists) “Analytical system for ECL detection of powerful oxidizing agents in aqueous medium”

International activity / participation in international projects

2011-2014 – participation in international projects STCU # 4495 “Sensor based on nanoscale structures for the tuberculosis active forms diagnosis” and #5067 “Development of new nanophotonic technologies and devices for the detection of hazardous and toxic organic compounds in environmental water bodies”.

Social activities

2017-2021 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering.

Publications and patents

More than 40 scientific publications.

Pat. 87433 Ukraine, МПК G 01 N 27/44. Nanophotonic sensor system for organic carcinogens detection in water environmental objects / Sushko O.A., Rozhitskii M.M., Bіlash O.M .; stated. 29.07.13; has published Feb 10, 14, # 3