Kateryna Solovyova

Kateryna Solovyova
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: jUnN-AgAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (KhIRE), specialty “ECM” with qualification engineer-mathematician (diploma with honors).

Assistant, lecturer. Candidate of technical sciences specialty “Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory”.  The dissertation was defended in KhIRE.

Associate professor, doctoral student of  Software Department;

2000 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialties “Automatized Management Systems and Progressive Information Technologies”; “System Analysis and Theory of Optimal Solutions”. The dissertation was defended in KhIRE.

2002 – Professor of the Software Department.

2004-2021 – Head of the Social Informatics Department (SI).

Educational activity

About 10 years she was a councilor of the ESC of State administration until the end of time; a member of two methodological commissions MESU on Informatics and specific categories.

Courses: Management and Knowledge Systematization; Knowledge Management Technologies, Basics of Scientific Research; Joint Course «Knowledge Management – Knowledge Technologies»  (with Stockholm University);  Introduction to Specialty  (Competitive Intelligence); Data Mining and Knowledge Technologies; Date Bases, Knowledge  Bases and Expert Systems; The Theory of Conceptual Knowledge;  Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling; System Programming; Data Management Systems; I / O Systems; Programming; Mathematical Logic; еtc.

Research activities

She worked as a member of the expert commission for the defense of doctoral dissertations of knowledge management at the Royal University of Stockholm.

For many years she was a member of the Specialized Scientific Councils for the protection of doctoral and candidate dissertations of KNURE.

Developed, won and successfully implemented a TEMPUS Individual Grant from the University of London (SITOSS, IMG-UKR).

Head of the new research area of the noosphere stage of science development based on the noosphere system approach and noosphere system methods.

Head of Scientific and Training Center for Knowledge Management (was opened with her active participation), scientific consultant – associate Director of the Institute of Cybernetics of  NAS of Ukraine Acad. O.V. Palagin.

The Head (or responsible executor) of many research scientific works (RSW) and contracts, for example:

State Budget RSW  № 239-6. The title of work: “Systemological Methods and Models for the Analysis and Forecasting of the Consequences of Emergencies” within the framework of the complex state-funded RSW № 239  “Development of the Principles of Building a National Complex of Information and Measurement Systems for Prediction and Analysis of the Consequences of Emergencies”. (Scientific tutor – Solovyovа K.O.)

State Budget № 260-6. Title: «Systemological Methods and Models of Knowledge Management In Environmental Monitoring Systems.» (Scientific tutor – Solovyovа K.O.)

Contract No. 13-03, Title of topic: «Analysis and Development of Models for Support of Innovative Educational and Scientific-Methodical Works for Solving Problems of Effective Preparation of Masters by Specialty 8.18010015».

Contract № 13-09, Title of topic: «Analysis and Modeling of the Information Security System of  Partnership “HOT-WELL”» and others.

Head of Scientific Student Circle “Systematization and Management of Knowledge”.

Member of the Program Committees of various international conferences, editorial boards of journals, including: “International Journal”, “Information Technologies and Knowledge”, “Information – Interaction – Intellect, Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution, General Information Theory” Information Models & Analyzes “,” Information Security “and others.

Head of Program Committee of the Conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” of the International Youth Forum KNURE.

Participant in numerous scientific conferences and seminars in our country and abroad: in Belgium, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, Sweden, ets.

International activities / participation in international projects

Developed, won and successfully implemented TEMPUS Individual Grant with the University of London (SITOSS, IMG-UKR).

Concluded 5 International Agreements (including universities of Belgium and Sweden), 5 Letters of Intent for Partnership.

Won and implemented a trip to an International Conference in Brussels.

Worked as a member of the expert commission for the defense of doctoral dissertation in the field of knowledge management at the Royal University of Stockholm.

As coordinator and participant, was development 7 applications for International Projects TEMPUS from KNURE.

Member of the Program Committees of various international conferences, editorial boards of journals, including: “Egyptian Computer Science Journal”, “International Journal”, “Information Technologies and Knowledge”, “Information – Interaction – Intellect, Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution, General Information Theory” Information Models & Analyzes “,” Information Security”, еts.

Social Activity

She actively participated in the introduction of a new subclass of professions in the State Classifier of Occupations of Ukraine – Professionals in the Field of Information and Information Analysis (correspondent of Competitive Intelligence Professionals), a new type of work 2433.2 – Analyst of Consolidated Information, in the opening of a new master’s degree specialization – Consolidated Information (KI) specific categories of training; licensing and accreditation of CI in KNURE for the first time in Ukraine; development of industry standard (approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine); Licensing in KNURE specialty 8.04030203 – Social Informatics.

About 10 years she was a member of the Government Control Expert Council until the end of it’s existence; the member of two methodological commissions on Informatics and Specific Categories of  Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

State Awards

Award of  Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the field of scientific activity.

Publications and patents

Has near 200 publications, including  monograph and 10 text editions.