Bondarenko Maksym
Assistant of the Department of Electronic Computing Machines, methodologist of the Educational and Methodological Division
Olha Yeroshenko
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronic Computers, Vice-Chair of the Council of Young Scientists
Artem Huk
Assistant of the department of electronic computing machines
Anton Havrashenko
Iryna Chepurna
Аssistant of the Department of electronic computing machines, leading engineer of the Center for Distance Education Technologies (part-time)
Oleksandr Fomichev
Senior lecturer of the Department of Electronic Computing, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Anton Sorokin
Oleg Zhurylo
Ihor Mykhailichenko
Vladyslav Kholev
Anton Poroshenko
Olena Sevostianova
Senior lecturer of the department of electronic computing machines, engineer of the 2nd category