Anton Poroshenko

Anton Poroshenko
Assistant of the department of electronic computing machines
Google Scholar ID: 75n1SpgAAAAJ&hl=uk&oi=sra
All timeLast 5 years

Education and career

2019 – Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2021 – master’s degree in “System Programming”. The topic of the master’s attestation work: “The method of processing audio signals in computer systems of audio analytics.”

From 2021 – graduate student of the Department of Electronic Computing, scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. A. A. Kovalenko

Since 2021, he is an assistant at the Department of Electronic Computing, KhNURE.

Educational ativity

Laboratory classes in the disciplines “Computer networks” and “Multi-service computer networks”.


Author of 8 scientific publications.