Vladyslav Bezrodnyi
Assistant of the Design Automation Department
Valentyn Korniienko
Georgiy Kulak
Ivan Hahanov
Assistant of the Design Automation Department, PhD
Anatoly Miroshnyk
Senior teacher of the Design Automation Department
Olga Shevchenko
Senior lecturer of Design Automation Department, Ph.D.
Lina Larchenko
Associate professor of Design Automation Department, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Iryna Malkova
Assistant of Information Control System Department, assistant at the department of radio technologies of information and communication systems (part-time), assistant at the DA Department at the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (part-time)
Tetiana Rozhnova
Associate Professor of the Design Automation Department, Ph.D.
Dariia Rakhlis
Associate professor of the Design Automation Department, Doctor of Philosophy
Hanna Khakhanova
Professor of the Design Automation Department, Computer Engineering Faculty, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Volodymyr Nemchenko
Professor of the Department of Computer Aided Design of Computers,Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant professor