Olga Shevchenko

Olga Shevchenko
Senior lecturer of Design Automation Department, Ph.D.
Scopus ID: 57217113510
Documents by author:6
Total citations:5
Google Scholar ID: hZ5hmmcAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2000 – graduated from the Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics (Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics), specialty “Information Technology Design ”.

2018 – lecture assistant at Design automation department (NURE).

2019 – finished postgraduate course (NURE).

2021 – Senior Lecturer at Design automation department (NURE).

Research activities

Since 2021 –  Ph.D. Thesis defended at the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (KNURE), specialties 05.13.05 – “Computer systems and components”, PhD thesis «Models and methods of cyber-social personnel management computing for critical systems»

Publications and patents