Olekander Vechur

Olekander Vechur
Associate Profecssor of the Department of Software Engineering, PhD, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 56940725900
Documents by author:2
Total citations:0
Google Scholar ID: Fq5MEtgAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1994-1999 – Studies at the Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics.

1999 – Admitted to the position of trainee-researcher of the Software Department.

2000 – transferred to the position of engineer of the 2nd category of the Software Department.

Fired by his own will – art. 38 of the Labor Code of Ukraine in connection with the admission to the postgraduate studies with the separation from production.

2000-2003 – Education in aspirant training on the specialty 01.05.03.

2003 – Accepted as assistant of the department of Software Department under the contract.

2004 – The contract was renewed on the post of Art. lecturer of the department of Software Department.

2006 – Transferred to associate professor of Software Department under contract.

Publications and patents

The author of 20 publications.