Natalia Rusakova

Natalia Rusakova
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 57225331260
Documents by author:1
Total citations:3
Google Scholar ID: glbBe-sAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2008 – Graduated from the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics on the specialty Informatics, a master’s degree with honors, qualification – researcher (computing systems);

2008-2011 – Study in graduate school of KhNURE;

2011-2012 – Researcher of Software Engineering Department;

2012 – became a Candidate of Science (Technology), Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty 05.13.23 – Systems and means of artificial intelligence;

2012-2016 – Senior Lecturer of Software Engineering Department;

Since 2016 – Associate Professor of Software Engineering Department.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Databases, Architecture and Software Design.

Research activities

Research interests: Аrtificial intelligence systems, databases.

Publications and patents

Author of more than 30 scientific papers and methodical publications.