Scientific And Educational Center For Informatization Of Management Bodies

Scientific And Educational Center For Informatization Of Management Bodies

Scientific and educational center for informatization of management bodies of Department of Systems Engineering was created by order of KhNURE No. 79 of July 25, 1994.

The main directions of research

  • conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of information support systems and decision-making preparation for management bodies of various levels;
  • development of mathematical models, algorithms and solving functional problems of territorially distributed systems of organizational management;
  • mathematical modeling, decision-making and management of regional socio-economic systems;
  • design and creation of intelligent information systems to support decision-making by management bodies;
  • participation in the development and implementation of industry, regional innovative projects and programs with the aim of introducing modern information technologies, processes and products.

The main functions of the center

  • carrying out scientific research, scientific and pedagogical activities, providing services to management bodies, the population, etc. in the field of informatization according to research directions;
  • studying and exchanging work experience in related research institutions, universities and enterprises by participating in scientific and technical conferences, seminars, exhibitions, etc.;
  • increasing the effectiveness of the use of scientific potential and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and students of the department, faculty;
  • promoting the improvement of the educational process of the department, involving students in conducting scientific research, using the results of research in the educational process and in the organization of course and diploma design;
  • international scientific cooperation in relevant areas.

Connection with the educational process

On the basis of the center, laboratory and practical classes of students of the educational programs “System design” and “Information technology design” of the specialty 122 Computer science are held.

The main results of the activity

  1. Stoyan, О. Chorna, І. Grebennik, Т. Romanova Cyclic permutations and their application for modeling applied problems of combinatorial optimization: monograph. – Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2024. – 170 p. – ISBN 978-966-00-1914-0. (In Ukrainian).
  2. Project No. 293 “Development of methodology and mathematical models of socio-economic systems in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development”, 2015-2017, supervisor Prof. I. Grebennik, is implemented.
  3. Petrov E.G., Petrov K.E. Comparative identification of multifactor assessment models: monograph. – Saarbrucken, Germany: Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2014. – 224 p.
  4. Gubarenko E.V., Ovezgeldyev A.O., Petrov E.G. Models and methods of managing sustainable development of socio-economic systems: monograph. – Херсон: Гринь Д.С., 2013. – 252 с.
  5. Beskorovainyi V.V., Semenets V.V. Formalization of the task of reengineering the topological structures of terrestrial ecological monitoring networks. IST-2021: Proceedings of the 10-th Intern. Scientific and Technical Conf. September 13-19, 2021 Kharkiv – Odesa, Ukraine. P. 362-366.
  6. Dyomina V., Bilova T., Pobizhenko I. Modeling Regional Level Control System Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Information systems and technologies IST-2021: Proceedings of the 10-th Intern. Scientific and Technical Conf. September 13-19, 2021 Kharkiv – Odesa, Ukraine. P. 119-124.
  7. Beskorovainyi V., Kolesnyk L. Interval model of multi-criterion task of reengineering physical structures of distributed databases // Intelligent information systems for decision support in project and program management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde (розділ монографії). European University Press. – Riga: ISMA, 2021. Р. 7-14.
  8. Beskorovainyi V., Russkin V. Directed search of variants in technologies for reengineering of corporate computer networks // Intelligent information systems for decision support in project and program management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde (розділ монографії). – European University Press. Riga: ISMA, 2021. Р. 15-24.
  9. Hubarenko M., Spasybin M., Grebennik I., Semenets V., Hubarenko Y. Creating a List of Works on Reconstruction of Infrastructure Elements in Natural Disasters Based on Information Technologies. IFIPAICT, Springer, Cham, volume 622, pp 144-159.
  10. Shalimov A.A., Ivanov V.G. The importance of selection and features of social network content presentation. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. «Інформаційні технології в культурі, мистецтві, освіті, науці, економіці та бізнесі»: зб. матер. – К.: КНУКіМ, 2021р.
  11. Beskorovainyi V., Russkin V. Formalization of optimization task in corporate computer network reengineering projects. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. “Математичне моделювання процесів в економіці та управлінні проектами і програмами”, Коблево, 13-17 вересня 2021: Зб. праць. –Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2021. С. 8-10.


Igor Grebennik

Scientific supervisor

Igor Grebennik

Head of Department System Engineering, Member of the specialized scientific council, Member of EMC Presidium, Member of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


room № 265,

+38 (057) 702-10-06

Center site