Department of Software Engineering

The Department of Software Engineering trains students in three levels of higher education (121 speciality):

– Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering (educational program – Software Engineering);

– Master’s Degree in Software Engineering (educational programs – Software Engineering and Systems Software);

– and Ph.D. in Software Engineering.

Curricula are consistent with international standards for training programmers.

Three forms of education are used — full-time, part-time and distance.

Students have an ample opportunity for choosing various disciplines. Some subjects are taught in English in separately formed groups.

Starting from the 3rd year, students undergo practical training at the leading IT companies in Kharkiv and Ukraine. A cooperation agreement between the Department of Software Engineering of NURE and Global Logic, NIX Solutions, EPAM Systems and Sigma Software companies allowed to create software development laboratories at the Department.

We practiсe engaging leading experts of companies to the teaching of professionally-oriented disciplines and preparing senior students in the form of free optional classes from companies.

During studying, students improve their professional level, participate in seminars and clubs organized on the basis of scientific laboratories, laboratory «Programmer»(where students receive knowledge and skills in solving problems to prepare for different competitions), laboratory GameDev (where students are prepared to develop game projects) and participate in the project «IT Talents» (advanced studying of complex algorithms with their practical implementation in various IT areas).

Students of the software engineering department repeatedly won at Ukrainian and international programming competitions, honourably represented the department and the university at exhibitions, contests, conferences and forums.

International activity includes some programs:

– Double diploma (Master degree) between Software Engineering department and Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden.

– Summer and winter schools of programming for students at University of Economy, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

– Erasmus Mobility for students and staff at Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria and at University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain.

The basic scientific researches of the department are carried out in the following directions:  new generation’s creation of computing systems and technologies; pedagogy in new educational environments, distance education; design of artificial intelligence systems; development of human intelligence mechanisms mathematical models (sight, hearing, perception, cognition, etc.);  development formal apparatus methods of the logic, algebra, linguistic algebra and logical support system for the design of new information technologies; modern technologies for the integration of heterogeneous distributed data sources and the software quality paradigm for automated information processing systems; modern technologies for the integration of heterogeneous distributed data sources and the paradigm of quality software for automated information processing systems; software for the educational process automated formation of information space; information technologies for distance learning and e-commerce; billing systems construction, development and implementation; intellectual data analysis; development of the basics segmentation theory and geometric objects identification in real time for applied tasks of digital information processing; images semantic analysis; models, methods and algorithms development for biometric systems recognition; knowledge-oriented technologies of classification, diagnostics and situations forecasting; image analysis subsystems development for the processing and analysis system of technical information in the medical forecasting field; development of video control systems software; training model development and a software environment for conducting training and checking knowledge in any subject field; development of mobile education systems.

Kyrylo Smelyakov

Head of Department

Kyrylo Smelyakov

Head of the Department of Software Engineering, Member of STC, Deputy Head of the Section 2 of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


room 267

38 (057) 702-14-46