Kyrylo Smelyakov

Kyrylo Smelyakov
Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Member of STC, Deputy Head of the Section 2 of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ID: 57203149663
Documents by author:44
Total citations:296
Google Scholar ID: D2FdCxYAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career


2020 – Training “Virtual International Staff Training Week 2020”, Linnaeus University, Sweden

2019 – Training of Experts of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, Ukraine

2018 – Training “Condition, Function and Prospect of the Development of Science and Technological Parks in Poland”, WSG, Poland

2014 – Professor in Mathematics and Software, Kharkiv National University of Air Force (KNUAF)

2012 – Doctor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

2008 – Associate Professor in Mathematics and Software, KNUAF

2005 – PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE)

2001 – Master of Science in Informatics, NURE

2000 – Bachelor of Science in Informatics and Applied Mathematics, NURE


2023 – Visiting Professor, University of Warwick, UK

2020 – Now – Professor of Software Engineering Department, NURE

2017 – 2020 – Professor of Electronic Computers Department, NURE

2013 – 2017 – Professor of Mathematical and Software Department, KNUAF

2005 – 2013 – Associate Professor, Mathematical and Software Department, KNUAF

2004 – 2005 – Assistant, Informatics Department, NURE

2001 – 2004 – Graduate School, Informatics Department, NURE

2001 (July – October) – Researcher, Software Engineering Department, NURE

Educational activity

Teaching experience: 2004 – Now

Specialties: Computer Science, Software Engineering

Levels: ScD, PhD, Master, Bachelor

Main courses: Big Data, Data Science, AI, Algorithms and Data Structures, Organization of Databases in English for international students

Research activities

R&D experience: 2000 – Now

Scientific Areas of Interest: Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, AI, ML, Computer Vision, Algorithms and Data Structures, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods

Head of the Permanent International Workshop NURE Data Science

Reviewer of scientific journals

Main projects over the past years

Intelligent Information-Analytical System of Diagnostics Gunshot Wounds on CT (0123U102783), May 2023 – Dec 2024, regranting Horizon 2020 (supervisor)


REWARD: Radio Electronics-Warwick Allied Research and Development,
Mar 2023 – Dec 2023, Twinning initiative (between the University of Warwick, UK and NURE, Ukraine), R&D supervisor from NURE


Development of System Technical Foundations and a Working Model of the Construction of the Ground Complex of the Domestic Short-Range Navigation Radio System of the TACAN Type (0122U200989), Jul 2022 – Dec 2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, R&D project, software development group supervisor


Sustainable Digital Development of Economic Entities of the ECO Region (NUMECO),
May 2021 – Dec 2022, R&I AUF project


The New Generation of Image Based Search Technology for the Internet and Image Storages, Sep 2020 – now, R&D startup, supervisor,


Identification and Estimation of the Consequences of Gunshot Wounds on Computed Tomography, May 2020 – Now, Joint Intercollegiate R&D project, supervisor from NURE


Image Preprocessing: Unified Models of Adaptive Gradational Image Correction,
Jan 2018 – now, university research project / monograph, supervisor,


Adaptive Edge Detection Models and Algorithms, Mar 2018 – Dec 2020, university research project / monograph, supervisor (group of edge segmentation),

International activity / participation in international projects

Academic mobility projects Erasmus+ KA1 with:

– University of Valladolid, Spain

– Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak Republic

– WSG in Bydgoszcz, Poland

– Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, Bulgaria

– HTW SAAR, Germany

– RTU, Latvia

– VIKO, Lithuania

Double degree master programs with:

– Higher Institute of Electronics of Paris (ISEP), France

– Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak Republic

– Linnaeus University, Sweden

Organization of international schools and internship programs for students and staff:

2022 – Now – Summer Schools at the University of Warwick (UK)

2021 – Virtual International School “Digital Age: Big Data, AI & Copyright”
(France – Netherlands – Spain – Slovak Republic – Hungary – United Kingdom – Ukraine)

2020 – Virtual International School “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools”
(Germany – Spain – Sweden – Slovak Republic – Lithuania – Ukraine – Canada)

2019 – Now – Summer Academy at Linnaeus University (Sweden)

2019 – International Data Science Day “Modern Trends in Data Science” (Ukraine – Sweden)

2019 – International School “Modern Trends in Data Science” (Lithuania – Ukraine)

2018 – International School “Virtual reality application development” (Poland – Ukraine)

2018 – International School “Modern IT in EU tourism business” (Poland – Ukraine)

2017 – International School “The art of programming” (Poland – Ukraine)


2020 – The international project of the Lithuanian and Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council project “Developing youth creativity and solving social problems in Lithuania and Ukraine”

Social activity

Member of Ukrainian European Studies Association

Expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine)


Acknowledgments of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Publications and patents

Author of more than 100 publications