Environmental Safety

Environmental SafetyThe course “Environmental Safety” is taught for all university programs.

Scope of the discipline: 3 ECTS credits, Lectures – 18 hours, Practical Classes – 12 hours, Form of control – test.

The processes of globalization set new parameters for environmental development, the problems of environmental security are redefined due to the changing nature of the challenges and threats facing humanity. The unfavourable state of the environment and the need to ensure environmental safety require the adoption of adequate legal, organizational and other measures. The complex impact on a person of social, economic, environmental and other factors leads to the deterioration of public health, and affects the demographics. Along with financial, economic and social problems, there is the problem of preventing a global environmental catastrophe. The basic prerequisite for effective management decisions and actions in the security system is the objective and timely identification of the most significant threats and risks in all spheres of society. This, in turn, requires a thorough analysis and assessment of security-related processes.
Description of the discipline. The course provides students with modern knowledge of human safety in the process of interaction with the environment and hazardous substances, the introduction of methods to reduce negative impacts on the environment through the use of destructive or hazardous technologies and processes. Environmental safety is also associated with uncontrolled human processes (natural forces of nature).
The purpose and objectives of the discipline are to form students’ skills and competencies to ensure effective management of environmental safety of modern industrial production, environmental quality based on modern advances in science, technology and international experience.
After studying the discipline, students should know management systems in the field of environmental safety, methods and technologies for forecasting emergencies caused by disruption of technological processes and their impact on the environment, determining the level of environmental risks, and justifying a set of measures to prevent emergencies and eliminate their consequences.

Materials for students: