The modern concept of sustainable development is the result of combining three main components: economic, social and environmental.
From an ecological point of view, sustainable development must ensure the integrity and viability of natural ecosystems, on which the global stability of the entire biosphere depends.
The ecological component of sustainability implies the preservation of natural ecosystems, resources rational use, reduction of the environment’s negative impact, dissemination of ecological knowledge and increase of ecological culture. The concept of sustainable development also calls for the principle of environmental responsibility to be followed everywhere in decision-making.
Universities as centers of knowledge and innovation play a special role in achieving sustainable development.
The implementation of sustainable development environmental component is an important task for NURE. The principles of environmental sustainability are included in both programmes and University infrastructure. The University supports initiatives to protect the environment and climate, creating environmentally friendly infrastructure.
NURE ecological sustainability principles:
- minimization of negative impact on the environment;
- compliance with current environmental legislation;
- involvement of staff and students in environmental activities;
- rational use of resources;
- ensuring of staff and students health and well-being;
- preparation of environmental reports;
- expanding environmental commitments and initiatives;
- awareness of environmental activities significance, social and moral responsibility for solving environmental problems.