From September 10 to 15, 2018, the 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference “INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES IST-2018” dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Department of Applied Mathematics, the 55th anniversary of the Department of Software Engineering, will be held on the Black Sea coast in the resort area of Koblevo, Nikolaev region. KNURE and the 40th anniversary of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology KNUHK named after A.N. Beketov.
Organizers: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Polish Academy of Sciences, department in Lublin, Representative Office of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kiev, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy
them. A.N. Beketov, AGH Science and Technology University in Krakow, Nikolaev Shipbuilding University. Admiral Makarov, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Carpathian National University. V. Stefanik, Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy, Ukrainian Federation of Informatics, Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Belarusian National Technical University, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University.
Conference topics:
- Section 1. Modern information systems and technologies: problems, methods, models. Project and program management.
- Section 2. Mathematical and computer modeling in information systems.
- Section 3. Information resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies. Geographic information systems and technologies.
- Section 4. Pattern recognition, digital image and signal processing.
- Section 5. Information technologies in society, education, medicine, economics, management, civil protection, printing, ecology and jurisprudence.
- Section 6. Software engineering.
- Section 7. Communication, GRID and cloud technologies.
- Section 8. Protection of information. Information Security.
- Section 9. Intelligent data analysis, DataMining and BigData – technologies.
Conference working languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish.
Materials reports (file name_ of authors_IST2018_tez.doc, template attached) after review will be published in the conference materials. When submitting materials to the email address, all co-authors of the report should be indicated in the application. Students’ materials are accepted in collaboration with the supervisor.
The program committee may recommend reports for publication in a specialized scientific publication or a collective monograph.
(file name__avtor__IST2018_z.doc)
- Last Name, First Name, Patronymic of the Author
- Title of the report
- Country, city, organization, position, academic degree, academic title
- Address for correspondence with the city index
- E-mail, contact phone (with code)
- Section name (number)
- Form of participation (full-time / correspondence). Conference Dates
- Until August 25, 2018: Filing applications and report materials
- Until August 30, 2018: Review of materials and notification of authors
- Until September 3, 2018: Payment of registration fees
- Until September 5, 2018: Distribution of invitations and conference programs
- September 10-15, 2018: Conference work
Address of the Organizing Committee:
Department of Applied Mathematics, KhNURE, room 26 “z”, 14, Nauky Ave., 61166, Kharkov, Ukraine. Tel: +38 (057) -702-14-36, +38 (050) -199-52-82.