Sports Section «Mini-football»

An alternative to traditional football is its smaller version – futsal, which has another name – futsal, since classes and competitions are held indoors. This direction has its own rules concerning the game, equipment, fields and forms.

Playing mini-football, everyone is much more likely than in football, comes into contact with the ball and participates in general game actions, goals are scored much more in mini-football.

The place of mini-football in the system of physical education due to its availability. The cost of sportswear, equipment and equipment is relatively low. This game can be played on the simplest platforms of small sizes (in sports halls, in hockey boxes) and with a smaller number of players in teams.

Mini-football as a means of physical education has great pedagogical potential. Classes in this sport contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health, the improvement of the functional capabilities of the body, the development of physical qualities, the enrichment of motor experience, the formation of social and psychological personality traits. The mastered technical and tactical methods of the game, as well as physical exercises used in the educational process, can be used by students throughout their lives in independent forms of physical culture and sports.

Mykhayl Kutuzov


Mykhayl Kutuzov

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports