Control Systems Research Laboratory (CSRL) has been founded according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR № 587 from 18.12.1973 and the Order of the rector of KhIRE №44 from 03.04.1974. CSRL functions as a structural subdivision of the R&D department of the university.
The scientific direction of the laboratory is hybrid systems of computational intelligence for data analysis, information processing and control.
Areas of research
- development of artificial neural networks with variable structure;
- data mining;
- big data processing;
- evolutionary neural-phase networks;
- neo-fuzzy systems;
- wavelet neural networks;
- deep neuro-neo-phase systems;
- neuromathematics and neuromorphic engineering.
Since 1985, under the guidance of prof. Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, a number of state budgetary fundamental R&D projects are being carried out, including those that were established according to the decisions of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR as parts of the targeted integrated and scientific and technical programs and according to the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine based on the results of the competitive selection of projects.
CSRL conducts research in close contact with departments and divisions of the university. Teaching staff, doctoral students, PhD students and part-time students take part in research.
As a part of complex interdepartmental R&D projects, a number of doctoral and candidate theses were prepared by PhD students and doctoral students of the Artificial Intelligence Department and scientific staff of the CSRL.
A complex of fundamental researches aimed at creating theoretical positions, models, methods, architectures, learning algorithms for new online hybrid systems of computational intelligence designed to solve a wide class of online Data Mining tasks connected with high-dimensional and high-volume data processing using the latest achievements in this field: Data Science, Data Stream, Evolving Systems, Advanced Fuzzy Clustering, High-Dimensional Clustering.
Current tasks
- development of a deep multilayer hybrid computational intelligence system based on neophase of neurons as nodes and speed-optimized methods for their training based on back propagation of errors;
- development of a deep modular convex hybrid computational intelligence system based on multidimensional non-phase layers and speed-optimized training methods;
- development of a 2D-neo-fuzzy hybrid computational intelligence system for processing matrix signals (images) and speed-optimized teaching methods.
Educational process
The lecture courses “Artificial Neural Networks”, “Neural Network Methods of Computational Intelligence”, “Deep Learning of Neural Networks”, “Deep Learning in Hybrid Computational Intelligence Systems”, “Neuro-fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary Algorithms” are being updated for students of the specialty 122 Computer Science.
Within the framework of scientific research, doctoral students, postgraduates, masters, bachelors are trained on the following topics: the development of architectures, new neurons, methods of teaching-self-learning of multilayer (deep) neuro-neo-fuzzy systems, including stack, cascade, recurrent and ensemble for solving Stream Mining problems , Big Data Mining and their application in practice.
In recent years, the following dissertations have been defended within the framework of fundamental research:
- for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences:
- Масшталир С. В. Модели и методы темпоральной обработки видео для информационного поиска, 05.13.06 – информационные технологии, научный консультант д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е. В., 2016, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Перова И. Г. Информационная технология анализа медицинских данных на основе гибридных нейрофаззи систем, 05.13.09 – медицинская и биологическая информатика и кибернетика, научный консультант д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2019 г. Киев, Международный научно-учебный центр информационных технологий и систем.
- for the degree of candidate of technical sciences:
- Шафроненко А. Ю. Методы динамического интеллектуального анализа данных с пробелами, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н, проф. Бодянский Е. В., 2014, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Адаптивное обучение эволюционным нейро-фаззи систем с ядерными функциями активации в задачах интеллектуального анализа данных, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е. В., 2014, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Шкуро К. О. Методы обучения нейрофаззи сетей со специализированными архитектурами, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н, с.н.с. Попов С. В., 2014, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Колчигин Б. В. Адаптивные нейрофаззи системы для нечеткого кластерного анализа в условиях неопределенности, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н, проф. Бодянский Е. В., 2014, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Копалиани Д. С. Эволюционные нейрофаззи сети с каскадной структурой для интеллектуального анализа данных, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е. В., 2016, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Бойко А. А. Эволюционные нейрофаззи системы в задачах интеллектуального анализа данных, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2017, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Самитова В. А. Классификация и кластеризация данных, заданных в нечисловых шкалах, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2017, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Хаустова (Куценко) Я.В. Методы нечеткой кластеризации на основе ядерных функций в задачах интеллектуального анализа данных, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2017, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Кобылин И. А. Нечеткая кластеризация временных рядов в интеллектуальном анализе потоков данных, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2019, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Жернова П. Е. Нечеткая кластеризация потоков данных при неизвестном количестве кластеров, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2019, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ;
- Власенко Е.М. Методы и модели интеллектуализации процессов оперативного анализа рисков на основе мягких вычислений, 05.13.23 – системы и средства искусственного интеллекта, научный руководитель д.т.н., проф. Бодянский Е.В., 2021, г. Харьков, ХНУРЭ.
Major scientific achievements in recent years
Under the guidance of prof. Bodyansky E.V. at the PNIL ACS a number of research projects have been carried out, including in recent years, based on the results of the competitive selection of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 6 fundamental complex interdepartmental state budget research projects have been carried out:
- «Интеллектуальный анализ и обработка данных в реальном времени на основе средств вычислительного интеллекта», 2004-2006 гг., приказ МОН Украины №746 от 07.11.2003 г., № госрегистрации 0104U003432;
- «Синтез методов обработки информации при неопределенности на основе самообучения и мягких вычислений», 2007-2009 гг., приказ МОН Украины №732 от 27.10.2006 г., № госрегистрации 0107U003028;
- «Эволюционные гибридные системы вычислительного интеллекта с изменяющейся структурой для интеллектуального анализа данных», 2010-2012 гг., приказ МОН Украины №686 от 22.07.2009 г., № госрегистрации 0110U000458;
- «Нейро-фаззи системы для текущей кластеризации и классификации последовательностей данных при искривленности отсутствующими и аномальными наблюдениями», 2013-2015 гг., приказ МОН Украины №1193 от 25.10.2012 г., № госрегистрации 0113U000361;
- «Динамический интеллектуальный анализ последовательностей нечеткой информации при существенной неопределенности на основе гибридных систем вычислительного интеллекта», 2016-2018 гг., приказ МОН Украины №158 от 25.02.2016 г., № госрегистрации 0116U002539.
- «Глубинные гибридные системы вычислительного интеллекта для анализа потоков данных и их быстрое обучение», 2019-2021 гг., приказ МОН Украины №1223 от 09.11.2018 и №129 от 05.02.2019, № госрегистрации 0119U001403.
Based on the research results, a number of articles, sections of monographs, reports in the materials of international conferences have been published, of which more than 160 are indexed in the international scientific and metric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Including for the last 3 years: articles in journals indexed in the scientometric base Scopus – 7, articles in journals indexed in the scientometric base Web of Science – 3; English-language articles and abstracts of reports in the materials of international conferences, which are indexed in the scientometric base Scopus – 43; English-language articles and abstracts of reports in the materials of international conferences, which are indexed in the scientometric database Web of Science – 9; in journals included in the list of professional publications in Ukraine, as well as articles in foreign journals that are not indexed in Scopus or Web of Science – 7; monographs and chapters in collective monographs – 6.
R&D performers have received a number of grants and awards, including in recent years:
Commendation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine (Popov S., 2013);
- Breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Vasily Sukhomlinsky” (Bodyansky E., 2014);
- Nominal scholarship of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration in the field of science in the nomination “Informatics and Computer Science” – scholarship to them. Sviridov V.V. for outstanding scientists (Bodyansky E., 2014);
- Nominal scholarship of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration in the field of science in the nomination “Informatics and Computer Science” – scholarship to them. Sviridov V.V. for young scientists (Vinokurova O., 2014);
- Grant for the implementation of scientific research on the basis of the order of the President of Ukraine “On the appointment of grants of the President of Ukraine to doctors of science for the implementation of scientific research for 2014” (Popov S., Order of the President of Ukraine No. 1038/214-rp);
- Nominal scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for talented young scientists (O. Vinokurova, Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine No. 689-VIII dated September 15, 2015);
- Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists (Vinokurova E., Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 705/2015);
- Gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Popov S., 2015);
- DAAD Grant (German Academic Exchange Service) “Scientific internships for university teachers and scientists”, Germany, Ostafalia (Tishchenko A., 2016);
- Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments (Perova I., Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated December 19, 2017 No. 2251-VIII);
- International Visegrad Fund (IVF) Internship Scholarship (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2017-2018);
- Gratitude from the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for a significant contribution to the development of domestic science, significant labor achievements, a high level of professional skill and on the occasion of the Day of Science (Bodyansky E., 2019).
- Bodyansky E. became the winner of the competition “Higher School of Kharkiv – the best names” in the nomination “scientist” in 2019
- Popov S. awarded with the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science for initiative and perseverance, high professionalism and active work on drafts of normative legal acts in the system of science and higher education of Ukraine.
- Bodyansky E. became the winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical worker of NURE – 2019”.
- Perova I. received a scholarship from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists in 2020.
- Bodyansky E. became the winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical worker of NURE – 2020”.
- Bodyansky E. appointed a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for outstanding services in the field of higher education (2021)
Bodyansky E. and Popov S. have the honorary title of IEEE Senior Member.
Scientific seminars
Laboratory staff were co-organizers of the International Conference under the auspices of IEEE Data Stream Mining & Processing in 2016, 2018, 2020. In particular, E.V.Bodyanskiy. Honorary Co-Chair, O. A. Vinokurova Chairman of Publications and Finance.