Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy

Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy
Professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Head at the CSRL, Member of the specialized scientific council, Member of STC Presidium, IEEE Senior Member, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: 0rdVsWEAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1971 – the qualification “electrical engineer”, the specialty «Automatics and telemechanics», Kharkiv Institute of Radioelectronics (KhIRE);

1979 – Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Kharkiv Institute of Radioelectronics, the scientific specialty 05.13.01 – technical cybernetics and information theory;

1984 – Senior Researcher, the scientific specialty 05.13.01 – technical cybernetics and information theory;

1990 – Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr.Sci.), Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute, the scientific specialty 05.13.01 – control in technical systems;

1994 – Professor in the specialty 05.13.03 – control in technical systems.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: Neural networks’ methods of Computational Intelligence; Artificial Neural Networks: architectures, learning and application; Data Mining; Deep Learning of Neural Networks.

Researcher activity

Scientific interests: Hybrid systems of Computational Intelligence, Data Stream Mining, Big Data, Deep Learning, Evolving Systems.

He is Scientific Head at the Control Systems Research Laboratory (CSRL) where he founded the scientific school in «Hybrid systems of Computational Intelligence for data analysis, data processing and control».

He has been a scientific head of a number of state-funded research projects (which were conducted in CSRL) since 1985, i.e. based on decrees by the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology and the USSR Ministry of Education within the target complex scientific and technical programs; based on orders by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine according to results of the projects’ competitive selection. A number of doctoral and candidate dissertation works have been conducted within complex state-funded research projects by PhD students and doctoral student from the AI Department and by CSRL research staff.

He is a member of the Specialized Scientific Council D 64.052.01 in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

As for now, he has prepared 9 Doctors of Technical Sciences and 30 Candidates of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.’s).

A research team of the scientific school has received a number of individual grants:

4 DAAD scholarships (Germany); 7 internship grants (Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Czech Republic); 3 scholarships «Soros postgraduates» – “International Soros Science and Education Program”; 8 scholarships by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young researchers and PhD students; 2 awards by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for talented young researchers; a scholarship by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for talented young researchers; a diploma by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; an award of the President of Ukraine for young researchers; multiple individual grants for participation in international conferences in Germany, Slovakia, Turkey, Great Britain, Switzerland, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania etc.

A member of editorial boards in International Journal of Infonomics; International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems; scientific and technical journals «Bionics of intelligence» and «ACS and automation devices»; the journal «Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control»; the interdepartmental collection of reports «Adaptive automatic control systems».

International activity / participation in international projects

IEEE Senior Member, member of ITHEA International Scientific Society

A reviewer in international journals “Information Science” (Scopus, Web of Science, SNIP=3.242), “Soft Computing” (Scopus, SNIP=1.429), “Applied Soft Computing” (Scopus, Web of Science, SNIP=2.729), “Neural Computing & Application Journal” (Scopus, SNIP=1.021), “Int. Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge – based Systems” (Scopus, SNIP= 0.829), “IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks” (Scopus, SNIP= 1.876).

A member of Program Committees at some international conferences (in New Zealand, France, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria etc.), including International conference «Modelling and Simulations of Business Systems», Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium “Synergies between Information Processing and Automation”, International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems etc.

Honorary Chairperson of the Program Committee at the International Scientific Conference «IEEE International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing» (2016, 2018).

Social activities

Member of scientific council of Computer Science faculty, Member of scientific and technical council at NURE.

State Awards

The Diploma by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2010);

  • a breastplate «An excellent worker in Education of Ukraine» (2004) by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine;
  • a breastplate «For scientific achievements» (2005) by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine;
  • a nominal scholarship and a diploma by Kharkiv Regional State Administration named after Proskura G.F. in the area of technical sciences for outstanding scientists (2008);
  • a nominal scholarship and a diploma by Kharkiv Regional State Administration in the nomination “Informatics and computer science” – a scholarship named after Sviridov V.V. for outstanding scientists (2014);
  • a breastplate «Vasyl Sukhomlinsky» by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (2014);
  • a sign «USSR Inventor» (1983);
  • a badge of honor «For merit» due to the 40th anniversary of KhNURE;
  • a diploma of the winner in the competition «KhNURE: the best professionals» in the nomination «Lecturer of the school year 2000/2001»;
  • a diploma of the winner in the competition «KhNURE: the best professionals» in the nomination;
  • «Lecturer of professionally oriented subjects» (2012);
  • a diploma of KhRSA for development of science and training of highly qualified personnel (2019);
  • a diploma of regional contest “Higher school of Kharkiv region – the best names” in nomination “Researcher” (2019).
  • 2024 – Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

He won several international grants after a competitive selection:

  • 2 DAAD scholarships (Germany) “Studienaufenthalt auslaendischer Wissenschaftler” (1996, 1999);
  • a number of individual grants for participation in scientific international conferences in abroad.

Publications and patents

He has currently published over 550 scientific works, including: 30 monographs and book chapters, including those published by Springer, Nova Science Publishers Inc., John Wiley (New York, USA) etc., 6 tutorials.

3 patents, and 36 inventor’s certificates