uniRank™ is the leading international higher education directory and search engine featuring reviews and rankings of over 13,600 officially recognized Universities and Colleges in 200 countries (https://www.4icu.org/about/).
The current uniRank University Ranking™ is based upon an algorithm including 5 unbiased and independent web metrics extracted from 4 different web intelligence sources:
- Moz Domain Authority
- Alexa Global Rank
- SimilarWeb Global Rank
- Majestic Referring Domains
- Majestic Trust Flow
The exact formula adopted to aggregate the 5 web metrics is not disclosed for copyright reasons and to minimise attempts of manipulation from University webmasters in order to achieve a better rank. The same philosophy is adopted by Google with regards to their search engine ranking algorithm. Being the uniRank University Ranking™ a web-based non-academic University ranking, the need for ranking methodology transparency and the ability of testing and reproducing the results, as suggested by the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions, is less stringent than for academic University rankings.
The aim of the uniRank University Ranking™ is to provide an approximate global ranking of world Universities and Colleges based upon their web presence and popularity in terms of estimated traffic, trust/authority and quality link popularity. This is especially intended to help international students and academic staff to understand how popular a specific higher education institution is in a foreign country.
- the level of attendance at the university site;
- the number of active pages;
- performance metrics of flow;
- number of unique visitors;
- the number of page views on the university website from mobile devices and PC users.
UniRank University Ranking™ 2019 August
UniRank University Ranking™ 2019 January
UniRank University Ranking™ 2018