The NURE Delegation Participated in Parliamentary Hearings


On December 16, a delegation of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, headed by Rector Valerii Semenets, participated in parliamentary hearings on “Building an effective system of intellectual property protection in Ukraine”.
The purpose of the parliamentary hearings is to hold an open dialogue between public authorities, experts and experts in the field of intellectual property in order to develop a common position on ways to improve the system of legislation of Ukraine.
The NURE delegation presented its recommendations on the promotion of intellectual property protection and support for patenting inventions and utility models in higher education institutions, and participated in the discussion of the draft National Strategy for the Development of Intellectual Property in Ukraine for 2020-2025.

 In particular, Rector V. V. Semenets proposed the creation of conditions for the development of a system of legal, organizational and financial support for innovations to enhance patenting, and, as a specific tool, funds to support inventions with the involvement of the State to finance a patent application at any stage of consideration.

Further the most expedient models of functioning of funds were presented:

Model 1, which is used by Japan, the United States and Korea, called “joint patent Fund in key innovation areas through public-private partnerships” is a partnership between the government and the country’s largest companies in certain sectors. Funding is provided to support small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the creation of new enterprises to develop a new generation of business in promising areas such as environmental protection, energy, electronics, biotechnology, it. The Fund may purchase prospective or unused patents for further commercialization.

Model 2, which is used by Hong Kong, Ireland and Singapore, called “reimbursement of patenting costs”, provides for the provision of funds to cover the costs of patenting. As a rule, applicants can be individuals and legal entities of the country, which can be supported at any of the 3 stages of patenting and includes from 5000 to 50,000 us dollars. Funding schemes can be on a grant basis.

Model 3, which is used by the US and China, called “joint patent pool to protect companies and countries, provide preferences for development” is the acquisition, creation, accumulation, use and sale of patents. Activities: promoting the development of the patent market, investing in the identification of patents, as well as the evaluation, acquisition and sale of patents.

Within the framework of the event, the proposal of NURE on state support of patenting the intellectual property of Ukrainian innovators abroad on the terms of co-financing was supported.

The NURE Delegation Participated in Parliamentary Hearings