Volodymyr Vasyliovych Skliarov

Volodymyr Vasyliovych Skliarov
Part-time professor of the Department of Information and Measurement Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, senior researcher
Google Scholar ID: ezEvl8AAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and career

1986-1991– Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty “Radio Engineering”,

2008 – PhD, specialty “Metrology and Metrology Assurance”

2013 – senior researcher specializing in standardization, certification and metrological assurance

2020 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialization standardization, certification and metrological assurance

1991-1997 – engineer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd categories of the Kharkiv State Research “Institute of Metrology”

1997-2004 – junior researcher of the SSIA “Metrology” of the State Standard of Ukraine

2004 – 2005 – Acting Research Associate of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”

2005-2008 – Researcher of the Institute of Metrology

2008-2009 – senior researcher of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”

2009-2023 – academic secretary of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”

2023 to present Acting General Director of NSC “Institute of Metrology”

Information about the defense of the dissertation:

Candidate’s thesis “Methods and techniques of the measurement unity ensuring the volumetric activity of radon 222 in Ukraine”. Defense 23.10.2008. specialty 05.11.15 at the meeting of the specialized scientific council D64.827.01 of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”.

Doctoral dissertation “Development of methods for measuring the characteristics of complex mechanical and thermophysical systems based on computer modeling.” Defense on 10/16/2020 at a meeting of the specialized scientific council D64.827.01 of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: “Fundamentals of probability theory and mathematical statistics”,

“State standards of Ukraine”

Scientific activity

Medal of Merit of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

Trains graduate students in specialty 175 – Information and measurement technologies.

Member of the specialized academic council, National University “Odesa Polytechnic” D 41.052.09.

International activity / participation in international projects

Participant of four international metrology projects.

Publications and patents

More than 90 works in the field of metrology, metrological support, computer modeling of complex systems