Vladimir Zakorin

Vladimir Zakorin
Associate Professor of Metrology and Technical Expertise Department, PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 9274822800
Documents by author:1
Total citations:0

Education and Career

1970 – engineer of electronic engineering, graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics. acad. MK Yangel, specialty – electronic devices.

1987 – graduated from correspondence postgraduate study at the Department of Electronic Devices and Devices of the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics.

1988 – candidate of technical sciences in specialty 01.04.03 – radiophysics, including quantum.

1996 – Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Devices and Devices.

1999 – Associate Professor of the Department of Metrology and Measuring Instruments of KhTURE.

Educational activity

Teaches the courses: electronic, quantum devices and microelectronics, the development of electronic devices and devices, elemental base of electronic devices, analog measuring instruments, digital measuring instruments, measurements in microwave and optical ranges, measurement methods and instruments, microprocessor technology bases.

Lecture courses taught in the current academic year: the basics of electronics, integrated circuits in information measuring instruments, microprocessor systems, metrology, metrology, interchangeability and standardization.

Methodical support: lecture notes, work syllabus on disciplines to be read, test questions for monitoring, methodical instructions from courses.

Researcher activity

Held a post of engineer, senior engineer, junior researcher, assistant professor.

Scientific interests – mathematical modeling of powerful generator sets, application of computers and microprocessors, development of measuring equipment.

International activity / participation in international projects

Participant in international scientific and technical seminars, symposiums, conferences.

Publications and patents

Has over 29 publications, including foreign articles and abstracts at conferences. 1 patents.