Victoriya Shekhovtsova

Victoriya Shekhovtsova
Head of Educational Laboratory of Information Control Systems Department, Associate Professor of Information Control Systems Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 6yWDOVMAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1985 she graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics specialty “Automated control systems”;

1994 – Head of the department of Kharkiv Machine-Building College;

2002 – Deputy Director of KMC;

2010 – Ph.D. Thesis defended at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, specialty 13.00.02 – theory and methods of teaching (technical disciplines);

2014 – Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Computer Technologies of UEPA;

2016 – Head of Educational Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Control Systems.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Mathematical methods of operations research”; “Controling of IT-infrastructure of the company”; “Automation business management”.

Researcher activity

Participated in research work on topics:

  • 2006-2009 – “Formation of the design culture of future masters of professional training in the field of computer technologies”;
  • 2010-2012 – “Development of teaching-methodical means for distance learning from the disciplines of the Department of ICT in the environment of Moodle”;
  • 2012-2014 – “Improving the quality of professional education in Ukraine based on the experience of the International Society of Engineering Pedagogy”;
  • 2015-2016 – “Formation of general instrumental competency of engineers-teachers during basic professional computer training on the basis of computer information teaching aids”.

International activity / participation in international projects

2007 – International engineering educator “ING-PAED IGIP”.

Publications and patents

Has more than 75 publications, including a monograph and a manual with a stamp of MESU.