All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 262 | 138 |
h-index | 9 | 6 |
i10-index | 8 | 4 |
Education and Career
2001 – graduated from the Institute of Personnel Training for the Prosecutor’s Office of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy of Ukraine with honors. Specialty – jurisprudence, qualification – lawyer.
2002 – graduated from the magistracy of the on state and legal specialization with honors.
2002-2005 – I studied at the graduate school of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise.
2005 – defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.
2005-2017 – Assistant of the Department of the History of State and Law of Ukraine and Foreign Countries of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy of Ukraine.
2009 – awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
2016 – according to the results of the public defense of the thesis, the degree of doctor of legal sciences was conferred.
Since March 2017 – Vice-Rector for Innovative Corporate Work and Administration of Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
2018 – awarded the academic title of Professor.
Awarded the honorary title “Doctor Honoris Causa”. Honorary Professor of the “International University” MITSO “. Professor Emeritus of the European Institute for Continuing Education.
Since 2018 – Honorary President of the Institute of Education and Professional Development (Budapest). He worked as an expert of the State Atomic Commission of Ukraine, an expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.
Since 2019 – President of the Science Park “Synergy”, founded by the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
On October 25, 2020, he was elected a deputy of the Kharkiv Regional Council of the VIII convocation. Member Commission on Information Policy, Public Relations and Digital Transformation.
Research activities
The transformation and evolution of the state apparatus, the genesis of state and legal institutions.
Member of the editorial board of specialized professional publications on legal, economic and political sciences and public administration, including foreign ones: “Economics and Law of Kazakhstan”, “World of Law”, a multidisciplinary scientific journal “International Scientific and Practical Conference WORLD SCIENCE”.
Member of the Specialized Academic Councils: D 64.051.31 in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University with the right of acceptance to consideration and defense of dissertations on specialties 12.00.01 “Theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines “and 12.00.02” Constitutional law; municipal law »
– D 64.700.02 in the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs with the right to accept for consideration and defense of dissertational research for the academic degree of a doctor (candidate) in law: 12.00.01 – theory and history of the state and law; history of political and legal doctrines; 12.00.03 – civil law and civil procedure; family law; international private law; 12.00.05 – the labor law; social security law.
Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences. He created his own historical-legal and theoretical-legal scientific school, having trained a number of doctors and candidates of legal sciences as a scientific adviser and consultant.
State Awards
For many years of conscientious work he was awarded departmental awards and gratitudes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, local self-government bodies, public organizations and the church.
2019 – The honorary title “Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine” was awarded.
Publications and patents
Author of more than 200 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 3 textbooks with the signature of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.