Valery Gorbachov

Valery Gorbachov
Professor of the Department of Electronic Computer, Ph.D., Professor, Member of the Coordination Council of the NURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: I55Z3MMAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1970 – electrical engineer, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty – computing equipment.

1975 – candidate of technical sciences, Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty – mathematical modeling and computational methods.

1972-1975 – Assistant, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

1975-1984 – Senior Lecturer, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

1984-1996 – Associate Professor, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

Since 1996 – Professor of the Department of Electronic Computing Machines, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

1999-2023 – Director of the Center for teaching students in a foreign language, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: Systems simulation, Introduction to specialty (in English).

Teaching abroad in French from 1979 to 1984

He has prepared 7 teaching aids (2 in French), more than 30 methodological aids.

Research activities

Responsible executor and head of a number of inter-governmental and state budget research projects, among which: 279-1 “Development of computer simulation systems” (№ДР 0194U04667), 368-1 “Educational system of automated designing of microprocessor systems” (№ДР 0194U021695), 030 “Development and research of the efficiency of the intellectual integrated platform of automated designing of electronic systems” (ID No. 0197U008895).

Results: methods and algorithms for locating objects are implemented in radio engineering complexes; digital visualization systems for aerodynamics; educational automated system of designing and simulation of microprocessor systems.

Scientific interests: modeling theory, high-level description of complex systems. Head of postgraduate training.

Publications and patents

More than 50 publications, 6 patents