Valeriy Bezruk

Valeriy Bezruk
Head of the Department INE, Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council, Member of EMC, Member of STC, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Google Scholar ID: FaYOm74AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1967 – 1973 – a student of the Radio Engineering Faculty of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute and then the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.
1973 – 1975 – engineer at the Proton Design Bureau.
1975 – 1978 – postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (KIRE).
1981 – Assistant of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems at KhIRE.
1984 – defended his PhD thesis in Radio Engineering and Television Systems.
1997 – Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems, KhIRE.
1991 – 1993 – doctoral studies at KhIRE.
1994 – Associate Professor of the Department of Communication Networks. KHIRE
2004 – defended his doctoral thesis in the speciality ‘Radio and television systems’.
2006 – Professor of the Department of Communication Networks.
2009 – Head of the Department of Communication Networks (now the Department of Information Communication Networks).

Educational activity

Lecture classes in the following subjects: Theory of Telecommunications, Signal and Information Transmission Theory, Automation of Communication Network Design, Algorithmisation and Software Technologies for Communication Network Design, Fundamentals of Scientific Research.

Research activities

Research interests:
– recognition of random signals for solving applied problems, in particular, in the fields of radar, communications, automated radio control, technical and medical diagnostics.
– Mathematical modelling and multi-criteria optimisation of information systems, in particular, radio and communication systems.

International activities / participation in international projects

In 2011, at the invitation of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences, he delivered a series of lectures to the staff of the Institute of Space Technology in Hanoi, Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Since 2016, he has been the coordinator of the international academic mobility programme ‘Erasmus+’ (NURE together with the University of Pardubice (Czech Republic)).

Social activities

Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the examination of dissertations in the field of electrical engineering, energy, electronics and radio engineering
Member of the subcommittee of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the speciality 172 ‘Telecommunications and Radio Engineering’.
Member of the organising committees of a number of international scientific conferences and a member of the editorial boards of scientific and technical journals ‘Radio Engineering’, ‘Problems of Telecommunications’, ‘Infocommunication and Computer Technologies’, ‘Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technologies’.
Member of specialised academic councils for defending doctoral theses in telecommunications and radio engineering.
He participated in the development of the higher education standard in the speciality 172 ‘Telecommunications and Radio Engineering’ for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education.

State Awards

He was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as diplomas from the Ministry of Communications of Ukraine, Kharkiv Regional Council and KNURE.
He was elected an academician of the Academy of Applied Radio Electronics and the Academy of Communications of Ukraine.
Winner of the 2011 NURE competition ‘Best in Profession’ in the nomination ‘Lecturer’

Publications and patents

He has over 300 publications, including 11 monographs and 10 textbooks