Tatyana Stytsenko

Tatyana Stytsenko
Head of the Department of Safety Engineering, member of the KNURE Scientific Council, member of the EMC, Member of the International Association of Alumni of KNURE, Member of the European Security Association, Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 57191968506
Documents by author:4
Total citations:13
Google Scholar ID: AVRs2toAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1998 – graduated from the Kharkov Technical University of Radio Electronics, specialty “Systems of computer information processing and control”.

2017 – Ph.D. (Engineering), specialty 05.11.17 – biological and medical devices and systems.

2017 – Head of  Occupational Safety Department.

Educational activity

Lecture Courses:

  • “Life Safety”,
  • “Organization of management of working conditions”,
  • “Labor Security in the Information Technology Industry”.

Researcher activity

Investigation of protection methods of the person from the electromagnetic radiation influence.

International activity

Member of European association for security, Krakow, Poland.

Social activity

Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University.

Publications and patents

Has over 70 scientific publications. Patent for invention “Method of vibration damping” No. 82512 from April 25, 2008.