Born March 7, 1949 in with. Fedunka of the Shishatsky district of the Poltava region in the family of a collective farmer and teacher. He graduated from school with a silver medal in 1966.
From 1966 to 1971 he studied at the Faculty of Design and Production of Radio Equipment of the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (HIRE). Studying at the institute, D.A. Storozhenko led an active lifestyle. Here he first began to be involved in the execution of business contracts at the Department of Microelectronics with and without pay, three times he was a fighter of student construction teams working in the virgin lands and in the Tyumen region.
After graduating from the institute from 1971 to 1975, he worked as a design engineer at the Znamya plant in Poltava and as a senior engineer at the Department of Microelectronics of KhIRE.
From 1975 to the present, labor activity Storozhenko D.A. connected with the Poltava National Technical University. Yuri Kondratyuk, where he served as an assistant to the Department of Physics, a graduate student of the Department of Chemistry, a senior research fellow of the research sector at the Department of Chemistry, a senior lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, a deputy dean of the Faculty of Sanitary Engineering, an assistant professor of chemistry, an acting dean of the correspondence faculty, and vice-rector for industrial and international relations. Volunteer in 1984 – 1991 he worked as the Scientific Secretary of the Council of Rectors of the Poltava region.
In 1983 he defended his thesis on the topic: “Interaction of sulfate salts of alkali metals of ammonium and gadolinium in aqueous solutions at 25 – 1000С” at the University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumba.
Since 1997, head of the department of chemistry.
He has about 400 publications, patents, copyright certificates for inventions, including 3 USSR copyright certificates, 1 patent of the Russian Federation, 11 patents of Ukraine.
By the decision of the Academic Council of Poltava National Technical University. Yuri Kondratyuk Dmitry Alekseevich Storozhenko awarded the Honorary title of Honored Worker of Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is awarded with honorary marks “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”, “Petro Mogila”, “For Scientific and Educational Achievements”. For his contribution to the development of physico-chemical analysis by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow) he was awarded the commemorative medal “Academician Nikolai Semenovich Kurnakov”. In 2017, he was awarded a diploma of the Supreme Council of Ukraine “For Services to the Ukrainian People.”