Serhii Tesliuk

Serhii Tesliuk
Senior Lecturer of the CITAR Department, member of the Council of Young Scientists
Scopus ID: 57211145204
Documents by author:0
Total citations:0
Google Scholar ID: z1LdGJEAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2013 graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics with basic higher education in the field of “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies” with qualification of a bachelor – specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies.

In 2014 he finished the Master education for the specialty «Computer-Integrated Technological Processes and Manufacturing», qualification «Research Engineer (Computer Systems)».

In 2014 he was hired as an engineer of the 2nd category at the Department of TAVR NURE

In 2015 he was transferred to the position of engineer of the 1st category of the department of TAVR NURE

Since 2016 the assistant of the department СITAM (TAVR) NURE

Since 2021 he has been a senior lecturer at the department CITAR (CITAM) NURE

Since 2023 till now – graduate student at the specialty 74 – «Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics» NURE

Educational activities

Teaches the courses: «Cross-platform programming», «Software of computer-integrated systems», «Software and technical complexes and software of ACS TP», «Industrial networks and components», «Technologies of software development of computer-integrated systems», «Technology organization and administration of industrial computer networks».

Research activities

Head of the scientific circle of the department “Intelligent methods of data analysis in production”.

The direction of scientific activity “Methods and models of intelligent control of a transport robot in the dynamic space of instrument-making production”.

Participation in the State Budget theme № 300 «Creation of micro-miniature components of electro-mechanical intelligent technological means of industrial equipment and robotics».

Participation in GDR No. DZ/337-2021 “Intelligent multi-purpose mobile robotic platform  with improved manipulation capabilities.”

International activities / participation in international projects

Secretary of the branch competition commission of student scientific works, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1457 from 24.11.2020.

Participant of the international project “Development of ways to popularize the digital education action plan in neighboring countries to strengthen the political leadership of the EU DEAPEPL”.

Social activities

Head of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Automation and Computerized Technologies.

Member of the Council of the Faculty of ACT.

Secretary of examination commissions.

 Publications and patents

He has 2 foreign articles, 1 article and 2 theses in the scientific metric database Scopus. More than 15 abstracts of reports at international conferences. 11 author certificates were obtained and 1 chapter of a collective international monograph was published.