Sergiy Novoselov

Sergiy Novoselov
Professor of the CITAR Department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the KHNURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: HDymQSgAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1997 – he graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, by Specialty – The Design and Technology of Radio Electronic Devices.

2001 – Candidate of Engineering Science, by Specialty 05.13.07  – Automation of technological Processes  (Special theme).

2001 – Associate Professor of Technology and Automation of Radio Electronic and Computing Devices Production Dept.

2014 –Professor of Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics.

Educational activities

Teaches the courses: «Design of physical security systems», «Intellectual security systems in production», «Mechanisms and devices of banking systems», «Industrial RTOS», «Industrial networks and tools», «Information technology management», «technology organization and administration of banking networks», «Software and hardware of BS», «Technology of software development, «Fundamentals of banking systems», «Software in the functioning of BS», «Software of integrated systems».

Research activities

He is a participator of State Budget research projects: «Research of theoretical bases of design and technologies of fiber-optic components production for systems on fibers with preservation of polarization and with reduced dispersion», «Design and technological bases of creation of perspective components of microelectromechanical systems and technologies of their production».

State Awards

Laureate of Mayor of Kharkiv city contest «Young Man of the Year» in 2003.

The winner of the contest «The young scientist of Kharkov Region» in 2006.

Winner of «Best KNURE specialty» – 2nd place for the nomination «Сurator of the academic group» 2006/2007.

Publications and patents

Has over 60 publications, 1 textbook, 3 workbooks.

Patent for Utility Model No. 102880. “Low-frequency vibration stand”. Date of registration 21.11.2015.