Sergey Meshkov

Sergey Meshkov
Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Ph.D. (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: FS5f_q4AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1974 – electronics engineer, Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics, faculty “Electronic devices”, speciality – “Electronic devices”.

2002 – candidate of technical sciences, speciality 05.11.13 – devices and methods of control and determination of substances’ composition.

1977 – Researcher of Laboratory of electron optics of the Department of General Physics of Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute.

1980 – Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Thermal Non-destructing Testing of the Department of Physics.

1996 – assistant of the Department Physics.

2001 – Senior Lecturer of the Department Physics.

2010  – assistant professor of the Department of Physics.

Educational activity

Lecture course – Physics for training areas “Computer sciences” and “Publishing and printing”.

Research activities

Research interests: thermography, thermal non-destructive control of industrial products and materials.

Social activities

Member of the Ukrainian Society of Non-Destructive Testing.

State Awards

In 1987 was awarded a medal and diploma of the I degree of VDNKh of Ukraine for unit for diagnosing of submersible motors (oil equipment).

Publications and patents

Author of more than 80 publications and  2 patent