Oleksiy Lanovyy

Oleksiy Lanovyy
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Deputy Dean of the Faculty CS, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: TBBUlMAAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1988 – Graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics with a degree with honors in Automated Control Systems.

From 1988 to 1996 he was engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities at the Department of System Engineering, HIRE, and was trained in postgraduate studies.

1996 became a Candidate of Science (Technology),

in 2011 received the scientific title of associate professor.

From 1996 to 2013 he served in the internal affairs of Ukraine, he worked at the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs as senior lecturer, assistant professor, has awards and gratitude.

Since 2005 – Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies in the work of the Internal Affairs.

Since 2013 – Associate Professor of Software Engineering Department of KNURE, since 2015 – Deputy Dean for educational and methodical work.

Educational activity

Takes an active part in the development of the specialty “Software Engineering” and “Computer science and information technologies”, conducts scientific work with bachelors and masters.

Lecturer of courses: Organization of computer networks, Tecnologies of software engineering, Functional software testing, Computer architecture and organization of computer networks.

Research activities

Scientific interests: modeling of crowd behavior, network technologies.

Has a significant scientific and practical experience in the development and maintenance of complex information systems, including – special purpose entities.

Social activities 

Participation in scientific and practical conferences and meetings dedicated to improving the quality of students’ training in the specialty of “Software Engineering”.

State Awards

2007 – the medal “For Distinguished Service of II-nd degree”, honorary diplomas and gratitude.

Publications and patents

The results of scientific and educational activities are presented in more than 50 publications. In co-authorship 3 training manuals, teaching and methodological materials for the preparation and conduct of various types of classes have been prepared.