Oleksandr Maltsev

Oleksandr Maltsev
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems
Scopus ID: 57202231147
Documents by author:45
Total citations:442
Google Scholar ID: uCNDGSkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1995 – graduated with honors from the Svitlovodsk technical college of radio-electronics design, specializing in radio equipment engineering;

2000 – graduated with honors from the Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics (KTURE), by specialty multi-channel telecommunications;

2000 – Automation Engineer “Vector-Techno” LLC;

2003 – Network management engineer of “TK.Velton Telecom” LLC;

2012 – up to the present time – engineer of dispatching and technological control means of “Kharkivoblenergo” JSC, head of the teleautomatics group;

2014 – Postgraduate student of KNURE on the specialty 05.12.17 – radio and television systems;

2015 – 2018 – senior lecturer (part-time) of the department of radio technologies of information and communication systems.

2018 – up to the present time – senior lecturer (part-time) of the department of microprocessor technologies and systems.

Educational activity

Teaches courses:

operating systems of embedded information and communication systems, sensors in radio electronic devices, energy-saving technologies.

Laboratory works:

“Design of devices on microcontrollers and FPGA” with such modules: “Modeling of digital signals using MATLAB and VHDL”, “FPGA”.

Research activities

Research interests:

increase the efficiency of using multi-frequency signals in next generation communication systems.

Social activities

Head of Univercity  Amateur radio club KNURE.

Publications and patents

He has more 20 publications, 1 Ukrainian patent for utility model.