All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 3212 | 1431 |
h-index | 29 | 16 |
i10-index | 99 | 41 |
Education and Career
1994 – graduated from Kharkiv Military University, speciality “Automated Control Systems”.
1998 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of AF Pilots
1999 – Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 20.02.14 “Arms and Military Equipment”. (defended the dissertation at the KhIAFP).
1999 – lecturer of the military use of the AFU by aviation.
2004 – graduated from the Kharkiv Air Force University Ivan Kozhedub doctorate.
2005 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.12.02 “Telecommunication systems and networks”. (defended the dissertation in KNURE)
2004 – Associate Professor of the Department of Military Use of AFU by aviation.
2009 – Professor of the Department of Telecommunication Systems KNURE.
Educational activity
Teaches courses: “Switching and Information Distribution Systems, Part 2”, “Management and Routing in TCS”, “Algorithms for Management and Adaptation in TCS”. Published 4 textbooks and 8 tutorials.
Research activities
Participation in research work:
- No. 235-1 “Methods of designing NGN telecommunication networks and managing their resources” (2010).
- Responsible executor of SRW №261-1 “Methods of increasing productivity of next generation wireless networks ” (2012)
- No. 299 “Increasing the Scalability of Technological Solutions to Provide Quality of Service in Convergent Telecommunication Systems” (2016).
- SRW No. 308 “NITKA-3”. (2017).
- Head of the Dissertation Council D 64.052.09 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at NURE.
- Editor-in-Chief of the e-journal “Problems of Telecommunications” included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine.
Member of the Organizing Committee of:
- International Scientific and Practical Conference under the auspices of IEEE Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology (PIC S & T), Kharkiv, Ukraine;
- International Scientific and Practical Conference under the auspices of IEEE // Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science. Proceedings of the International Conference, TCSET. Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine.
- International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT).
Scientific interests: traffic management, optimization and quality of service in infocommunications, 4G wireless networks, hierarchical and fault-tolerant routing, network security.
Work with post-graduate students and doctoral students: prepared 4 Doctors of Sciences and 17 Candidates of Sciences, Supervises 2 postgraduate students.
Supervision of students scientific work:
- 2011 – First place in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad (ONAT, Odess) – Master degree student Semenyaka M.V.
- 2010 – 2 at the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers (ONAT, Odesa) – student Sayenko V.А.
- 2007 – 2nd and 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works (KNURE) – Master degree students Gogoleva M.O., Starkova O.V.
- Published 3 articles with students and about 30 reports.
International activity / participation in international projects
Participant in the Tempus International Project No. 544455-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR “Preparing the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Experts: A New, Recognized EU Master’s Program” (ENGENSEC).
Social activity
IEEE Member.
IEEE Membership No.: 94611942
ACM Membership No.: 3130849
State Awards
In 2003, for the achievements in the field of technical sciences, a nominal scholarship was awarded by the Kharkiv Regional State Administration named after Academician Georgy Proskury. In 2006 he became a winner of the contest “Higher School of the Kharkiv Region – the Best Names” in the nomination “Young Scientist”.
State awards:
- Medal “15 years for the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, 2006, certificate for the medal “15 years for the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No. 768 dated September 28, 2006.
- Diploma of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine – Medal “For the Conscientious Service” II degree, 2006, certificate to the award of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No. 117297 Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No.1656 dated November 13, 2006.
Publications and patents
Has more than 270 scientific articles and reports, 1 international certificate in the field of cybersecurity. 18 patents for utility model.