Oleksandr Degtiarov

Oleksandr Degtiarov
Associate Professor of Information and Measurement Technology Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Google Scholar ID: SI99bd4AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2003 – graduated from the Faculty of Telecommunications and Measuring Equipment of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, qualification – Master in Metrology and Measuring Technology;

2007 – PhD courses from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics;

2008 – PhD in Engineering sciences, Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, specialty 05.01.02 – standardization, certification and metrological assurance;

Since 2010 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Metrology and Measurement Engineering KNURE;

Since 2015 – Associate Professor of the Department of Metrology and Measuring Equipment of KNURE.

Educational activity

Teaches the courses: Control and testing, Metrological examination and normative control, Interchangeability and technical measurements, Metrology, standardization and quality management. Methodical support: lecture notes, work syllabus on disciplines to be read, test questions for monitoring, methodical instructions from courses.

Researcher activity

Research topics and projects: “Development of information and measuring complex for electromagnetic environment monitoring (№ 010111005127)”, № 230-6 “Electromagnetic environment monitoring (№ 010911002572)”, “Development of methods and means for increasing the efficiency of the use of electromagnetic energy in industrial and agro-industrial complexes (№ ДR 0103111567), “Development of a method for obtaining, storing and using an environmentally friendly energy carrier based on alternative energy sources (№ 010911002572)”.

Publications and patents

Has over 50 publications. Patent of Ukraine – Aerodynamic engine. No. 51548; Claimed 25.12.2010; Published July 26, 10 – 7 s.