Oleh Datsok

Oleh Datsok
Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, deputy director of the educational and scientific center of correspondence form of education, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Member of STC, Cand.Sc. (Technology), Associate Professor, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: 4bXlqLcAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1993 – Electronics Engineer, Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, speciality – Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems.

2004 Cand. Sc. (Technology), Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, speciality: 05.11.17 – Biological and Medical Devices and Systems. The topic of dissertation is Method and Device of Centrifugal Sedimentation of Blood Cells".

2008 Associate professor at Biomedical Electronics Department, KhNURE.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: biomedical electronics

Medical equipment for individual use

Research activities

Research interests Scientific interests: devices and programmatic facilities of electronic medical apparatus for functional diagnostics, therapy and ecological monitoring

Publications and patents

Has over 80 publications